MyArcade Theme Integration


With MyArcade Theme Integration Pro you will be able to create an online games section with MyArcadePlugin and your existing WordPress site without theme editing.

A subscription entitles you to 1 year of updates and support from the date of purchase.


Current Version: 3.2.1


With MyArcade Theme Integration Pro you will be able to create an online games section with MyArcadePlugin and your existing WordPress site without theme editing.

By offering online games on your site you can attract more visitors and keep visitors on your site. Tue to more interaction you can increase income and popularity of your site.

MyArcade Theme Integration Pro Features

  • 3 Layouts included
  • Fully Responsive and Mobile friendly
  • 3 Custom Widgets
    • Game List
    • Game Tags
    • Game Categories
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Automatic game resize to max available width/height
  • Advertisement slots above and below the game
  • Game loading progress bar with advertisements
  • Available Shortcodes:
    • [myarcade_list_games] – Displays available games on any page
    • [myarcade_game] – Displays the playable game
    • [myarcade_game_instructions] – Display game play instructions
    • [myarcade_game_video] – Displays game play video (if available)
  • Live game sorting and filtering
  • Tabs on the single game view
    • Description
    • Instructions
    • Scores
    • Video
  • Nice looking pagination
  • Custom Post Type “Game”
  • Compatible with page builder plugins like Elementor, Divi…

MyArcade Theme Integration will perfectly integrate with any WordPress Theme without coding. The plugin will handle everything automatically.

This extension will add a custom post type “Game” to your WordPress where all the games will be published. On your MyArcade general settings page, you only need to select the new post type to get it working with any WordPress theme.

Let’s take a look at how MyArcade Theme Integration Pro looks on popular WordPress themes:

SmartMag – Responsive & Retina WordPress Magazine



Default WordPress Theme

Game Play Page

On the game-play page, you are able to place advertisements above and below the game. Additionally, you can enable a game preloader progress bar to display advertisements while the game is loading.

During playing the user is able to enable the fullscreen mode and play the game on full screen. This works as well on desktop as on mobile devices.

Easy To Set up

The Theme Integration Plugin is very easy to set up. Everything can be managed from the built-in options page. There are only a few options to adjust. Most work is done automatically.

Plugin Integrations

The theme integration plugin will work perfectly with these plugins, too:


In order to use MyArcade Theme Integration Pro, a paid MyArcadePlugin version is required.


= 3.2.1 - 2021-02-04 =

  • Fix: Load shortcode functions earlier to avoid issues with page builder plugins
= 3.2.0 - 2020-10-21 =
  • New - Automatic game resize to max available width/height
  • Fix - Game names not displayed correctly on category pages
v3.1.0 -2020-06-29
  • New: Compatibility with builder plugins like Elementor. Note: I order to use the plugin with a page builder plugin, navigate to MyArcade -> Theme Integration -> Game Page and activate the option "Disable Integrated Template". Otherwise, the built template with Elementor will be overridden.
  • New: Shortcode to display playable game
  • New: Shortcode to display game instructions
  • New: Shortcode to display game video
  • Tweak: CSS optimization
v3.0.1 - 2020-01-02
  • Fix: Fullscreen not working for logged-in users
  • Fix: PHP notices with the latest WordPress version
v3.0.0 - 2019-05-10
  • New: 3 design layouts added
  • New: Option to enable a game preloader with advertisement banner
  • New: Option to place advertisement above and below the game
  • New: Fullscreen mode without site reload (JS fullscreen mode)
  • New: Option to hide the featured image on single game page
  • New: Optimized game sorting selection
  • New: RSS feeds for games
  • Tweak: Removed unused JS code
  • Fix: Shortcode not executed correctly
  • Fix: Game sorting doesn't work


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