There are only a few free WP Arcade Themes available on the internet. Last time we updated the GalleryTheme to GalleryGames WP Arcade Theme and today we have updated the Triqui Theme. Triqui is a free WordPress Arcade Theme developed by Emanuele Feronato. We have customized that awesome arcade template and made it compatible with MyArcadePlugin Lite and MyArcadePlugin Pro.
The theme comes with a simple theme options page, with three advertisement areas:
- Header Banner
- Sidebar Banner
- Under Game Banner
Triqui – WP Arcade Theme supports WP-PageNavi and WP-PostRatings plugins.

Download this WordPress Arcade Theme for FREE: Triqui WP Arcade Theme
I installed the template to my site but i can see only 10 games displaying on my home page.
please let me know how to display more than 10 games in my site.
I am using Myarcadeplugin lite version.
Hello Mark,
you can adjust the number of displayed games at Settings -> Reading. You should install WP-PageNavi plugin too. 😉
Liked it 6 times. but no link
it seems to be a caching problem. I’ve deactivated caching right now. Can you try again please?
how do I download the free theme?
The link has been fixed. 🙂
where can i get a little pack like 20-30 games for this plugin?
MyArcadePlugin is able to fetch and publish games. You don’t need a game pack.
how can we change header banner “Triqui”
and put my banner
you will need to change the style.css: .headerleft
Replace this line: background-image:url(‘images/triqui.png’); with your image URL.
How to add description with the thumbnail. Can you tell me php code to for description?
you can use
ID, "mabp_description", true); ?>
Thanks for the reply. Can you also tell me how to edit game page. I couldn’t find singlepost.php in theme. Thanks.
You’re welcome. On this theme the game output is generated in index.php: echo get_game($post->ID);
If you want to have it in a separate file then you should create a single.php and copy the content from index.php.
Great theme you got here!
Can i get Mochi ads and Google adsense revenue when using this theme and MyArcadePlugin?
Many thanks!
Hi, of course 🙂
why I added any games, RECENT POST, RECENT COMMENTS, ARCHIVES continue to fall down?
It looks like your menu breaks the page layout because the “Strategy” category is displayed on the second line. Try to remove one category from the top menu to fit one line.
how to remove menu categories from top menu.i tried a lot plz help
the menu output is generated in header.php. Currently the theme shows all available categories:
Here is a tutorial how to exclude categories using ‘wp_list_categories’ function:
Here is an example: If you want to exclude categories Action and Adventure. Let’s say they have Category IDs 1 and 5 then the function call should look like this:
I’ve managed to make a web game with this theme
my next question how I can add a lot of game play?
how can i put adsense ads? I have tried in the Triqui plug option but no change
On theme options page you can add banner codes.
sorry to ask again
I want to upload swf game manual
after I uploaded how do I display it in the post
I insert media not found
You will need to use MyArcadePlugin Lite or one of the paid version to import games.
how google ads not showing on pages?
or appear only on post pages
It will only appear on post pages. If you want to display it on pages too then you will need to edit page.php file.
myarcadeplugin does not suport import or upload swf games more than 9MB?
Does the plugin come with this theme?
This theme is free and it can be downloaded on the post above. It will work great with MyArcadePlugin.
how can i add new menu
Hi, On this theme you will need to edit header.php – Line 56. You can remove the category list function and add your own menu. Triqui doesn’t support WordPress menus.
I Translate To Arabic :
what code to put to show/include the the game screenshot images below the game instructions?
I’ve sent you an example to your email. Enjoy!
thanks, sent you an email..I have questions about the code you sent me.
How can I remove the advertisement at the beginning of every game?
The most free games come with advertisements and they can’t be removed.
there’s no download button
Fixed 🙂
Where the hell is single.php? o.O
Oh nvrmnd its index.php
Hey (back again). I know this is an old theme now but just using it on my site until site earns enough until I can buy ArcadeXLS theme. 🙂
But please tell me, how can I make the games on the homepage be wider so it fills almost all of the page about 90% of it instead of all being the same size (width) as what the header is. Can you tell me what part of the CSS controls it?
I thought it would be #wrap { but changed that from width:990px; to width:90%; but it dont do it.
Hope you can help.
PS. My site:
Sorry for the treble post. One other question. When my site opens or you change the game, for a brief second you can see the guts of the site. Press refresh on homepage and you’ll see what I mean. Why it do that and how to make it not do that? Thanks (for answering both questions).
Nevermind fixed. Styles sheet needs to go before h1 tags etc in header. Still no support here by dev?
Emanuele Feronato is the theme developer. Maybe you can contact him directly.
Right… But where to contact him exactly?? His site has no contact page!
I have installed your theme and noticed that I can only show 10 games at a time on each category. How do I change that? Thanks in advance!
Hi, you can change it on Settings -> Reading.