Today, we have got some exciting news for you all. We have updated MyScoresPresenter to v4.0.0 and you will love the new features.  This big update comes with 11 new features which will allow you to create awesome score presentations!

Before we take a deeper look into this update, here is the complete change log:

  • New: Compatibility with BuddyPress 1.8+
  • New: Display user’s medals on BuddyPress profile
  • New: Display user’s latest scores on BuddyPress profile
  • New: Display user’s high scores on BuddyPress profile
  • New: Display user avatars on score widgets
  • New: Filter to change the avatar size
  • New: Single score widget will only be displayed on high score games
  • New: User WordPress Transients to speed up the site
  • New: Added localization support
  • New: Reduced memory footprint
  • New: A lot of new filters
  • Fix: Use post title instead of the game name

This update replaces the old BuddyPress integration completely and adds a new table-based score presentation on users profile pages. It will display achieved medals, achieved highscores and latest user’s scores. Here is a screenshot of the medal presentation on the BuddyPress page:


The output of the BuddyPress page can easily be customized. The template file is located in “myscprespresenter/templates” folder and it contains a lot of actions and filters where you can hook into.

Another cool thing is that you can display user avatars on score widgets! Just add the %AVATAR% placeholder on MyScoresPresenter’s settings page. The following screenshots shows a widget with avatars in action:


MyScoresPresenter has been extremely optimized on this release. We’ve decreased the memory footprint and integrated WordPress Transients API to reduce database queries!

Every MyArcadePlugin customer can download the latest version of MyScoresPresenter on our support forum for FREE! Enjoy!