Premium WordPress Themes, Premium WordPress Plugins, PHP Scripts, PSD Designs, HTML Templates, MP3s, E-Books und Co. are one of the most purchased digital products on the internet. Every author or developer is offering his creations in his own online shop. This makes it difficult for a customer to buy a bunch of needed products only in one online shop.
e.g.: John wants to build up a new website with WordPress and he needs some premium Plugins and a premium theme. So he starts looking around and finally he finds 5 different sites which are offering always one Plugin. Now he has to purchase 5 times a Plugin and if he has problems and need support he has to contact 5 different support teams.
Today a new marketplace called “” is launching. This marketplace will end and fix the online shop chaos. Every software developer, designer and author is able to offer his digital creations for selling on Saving time and effort for advertisement, marketing, on-site and off-site optimization makes it really easy to earn money. The team will take care of everything to get you the best results.
Every seller is able to register for free and easy submit his virtual products to using the submit form. In this process the seller defines the sales price for his product. After passing the quality check the team will release the submission and the product will be immediately ready to sell. If a live demonstration is necessary a demonstration will be installed that every customer could see the script, Plugin or template running. Of course the hosting of a live demonstrations is free. The commission will be paid monthly without any need for minimum sales.
For every sale the seller will get 75 % commission on the sales price. The left 25 % will be used for keeping the site running, marketing and SEO. Every seller will profit from this measure, too.
Sellers are not the only one which will profit from A Buyer will benefit too. One of the biggest advantages is that products from different sellers can be add to one cart and paid in one step. After the payment all bought products will show up in the user backend area. Every product will be available as instant download without any delay. There is now download restriction. Every buyer is able to download a product as many times he wants. If an update of a product is released it will be available in the user backend area. Support will be offered by the author of a product.
Why using What is the difference to other digital marketplace like Themeforest or Codecanyon?
One main goal on is quality. Every product which is not kept up to date or has too much negative complains will be removed. There is no space for digital trash on Furthermore the commission is higher for the seller and the earnings will be paid monthly without a minimum limitation. In addition is the first digital marketplace which offers live demonstration hosting for free.