

A subscription entitles you to 1 year of updates and support from the date of purchase.

Category: Tags: , , ,

Current Version: 2.3.1


MyArcadeNotify will notify a user immediately by email or a pop-up notification if someone breaks his high score on a game. This will motivate the high score “loser” to visit your site again and play the game to restore his honor!

MyArcadeNotify will add a new option to the user’s settings page where the user can deactivate email or pop-up notifications. If you have BuddyPress install then the user will be able to adjust those settings directly on his BuddyPress profile settings. BuddyPress is optional – MyArcadeNotify will work without BuddyPress, too!

MyArcadeNotify has a built-in administration panel which allows you to adjust all your email settings. You can customize emails with a WYSIWYG Editor and use 9 placeholders to generate unique email notifications!

MyArcadeNotify will allow you to set up the instant pop-up notifications, too. On the options settings you can adjust colors and the content text of your pop-up notifications.

Click on “Help” link on the right top corner to display all available email template placeholders:

Once a user beats another users’ high score MyArcadeNotify will send an email like this one:


= v2.3.1 - 2021-03-08 =

  • Fix - Domain blacklisting not working properly
= v2.3.0 - 2021-03-05 =
  • New - Email/domain blacklist not to send notifications to
  • Fix - Removed deprecated jQuery functions
= v2.2.0 - 2020-04-06 =
  • * Ensured functionality with the latest WordPress and MyArcadPlugin versions


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