A few minutes ago we have released a new MyArcadePlugin version. We are happy to announce that we have partnered with HTML Games to offer even more quality HTML5 games.

MyArcadePlugin v5.18.0 changelog

  • New – HTMLGames.com Feed Integration
  • New – Option to add a keyword filter while fetching to allow users to fetch only specific games
  • Fix – Some FOG categories where not fetched correctly
  • Fix – Scirra – Failed to decode the downloaded feed (Thx to Cicklow)

With the new “keyword filter” you are able to fetch specific games from every game distributor. If you want to fetch only “poker” games then add thee keyword an the “Keyword” field.

If you want to set several keywords then separate them with a comma (,).

We have activated auto update and you should see the new update on your WordPress dashboard in a few hours. Additionally you can download the latest version on your account. Enjoy!

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