We have updated MyArcadePlugin Pro and MyScoresPresenter. Now MyArcadePlugin Pro is able to collect achievements submitted by GamerSafe games. MyScoresPresenter has received two new widgets: Latest Achievements and Game Achievements. Game Achievements will display user achievements on a particular game. An awesome feature to track your game progress and medals.

In this MyArcadePlugin release we have removed the UnityFeeds support because the service has been discontinued. Additionally we have fixed a few issues.

MyArcadePlugin Changelog v5.20.0 – 2015-12-18

  • New – Save achievements submitted by GamerSafe games
  • New – WordPress 4.4 optimization
  • Fix – Can’t fetch MyArcadeFeed feeds
  • Removed UnityFeeds support: Service has been discontinued

MyScoresPresenter Changelog v4.2.0 – 2015-12-13

  • New: Widget to display Medals / Achievements
  • Fix: PHP Notices on latest WordPress version

We have activated auto update and you should see the new update on your WordPress dashboard in a few hours. Additionally you can download the latest version on your account. Enjoy!