Today we have some great news for you. We have updated MyArcadeTheme and MyArcadePlugin. We made both products compatible with WordPress 4.5. Additionally we added some new features to MyArcadeTheme.

Now MyArcadeTheme comes with a full RTL (right to left) language support. Additionally we have added a new widget which allows you to display your blog posts on a sidebar. Our SEO expert has updated the markup to the latest standard!

MyArcadeTheme Changelog v3.3.0

  • New – WordPress 4.5 compatibility
  • New – Full RTL support
  • New – Widget to display latest blog posts
  • New – New markup
  • Tweak – Recommended Plugins: Replaced Lightbox Plugin with WP Lightbox 2
  • Fix – Fixes
  • Fix – Don’t display blog posts on game widgets

MyArcadePlugin Changelog v5.21.1

  • New – WordPress 4.5 compatibility

For both products we have enabled the automatic update and you will see the new versions within a few hours on your WordPress Dashboard. Enjoy!