We have some great news for you! Right now we have release a new MyArcadeTheme version with great features you will really love. In this release we’ve implemented automated theme updates. That means that you will never miss a new update and you will be able to update the theme directly from your WordPress dashboard. Additionally to that great feature we have added a new view for the category page and now game category descriptions will be displayed on archive pages. This may improve your SEO and rankings!

Check the full change log for this new release:

MyArcadeTheme v2.0.0 Changelog – 2015-11-07
* New – Automatic theme updates
* New – Added a new view for category pages “Half”
* New – Display category description on category pages (Enable on settings page)
* New – Add login_form and register_form actions to modal boxes
* New – Option to upload a custom login logo
* New – Login logo – Replaced WordPress URL with site URL
* New – Login logo – Replaced ‘Powered by WordPress’ logo link name with site name
* New – Option to edit footer copyright text
* Tweak – Removed Redux Framework from theme source. Redux Framework plugin required now!
* Fix – BuddyPress integration caused a php warning

You can download the new version on MyArcadePlugin.com -> My Account -> Downloads. Enjoy!