wewantyouMyArcadePlugin is growing fast! In just three years it grew to one of the most used Arcade Scripts / Arcade Solutions in the world. It started as a one-man project but today we are a team of three WordPress Plugin developers, five WordPress Theme developers and two designers working for MyArcade and Exells.

In the past we have continuously updated MyArcadePlugin, developed 16 WordPress Plugins and 35 WordPress Themes.

Today, I am glad to announce that we are expanding and need a member for the position of MyArcade Support Technician.


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  • This position will require between 1-2 hours per day and involves answering support requests and helping users to solve MyArcadePlugin related issues.
  • You should be experienced in WordPress theme / plugin development, CSS, HTML and PHP.
  • Having good written communication skills and a passion for helping people will be a big help.


Unsure if you meet the requirements? Here are a few questions from our customers. If you are able to solve the following problems, then you are the right person for our team and we would love to get in touch with you!

MyArcadePlugin Settings

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  • On the game page the playable game appears twice. The first game is displayed on the regular place and the second just below the game description.  How to solve this?
  • On my site everything works fine except score submitting. I’ve a fresh WordPress and MyArcadePlugin installation but Mochi Media scores are not collected. Please help me to solve this problem! [highlight colour=”sky”](Hint: crossdomain.xml)[/highlight]


FunGames / WordPress Settings

[list style=”questions”]

  • How can I change the background color of the menu bar on FunGames theme? Where exactly do I need to make changes?
  • On FunGames theme, the games are not displayed (they are not playable). On the play page only game thumbnail and description are displayed. The game posts are displayed like regular blog posts. What should I do to get it fixed?


WordPress Config / Settings

[list style=”questions”]

  • How can I change the language of WordPress and FunGames theme from English to my native language?
    [highlight colour=”sky”](Hint: language files)[/highlight]
  • On my category page only 10 games are displayed but I would like to display 20 games. Where this can be changed?
  • How can I customize the top menu on FunGames theme? I would like to remove some categories.



If you would like to be a part of our team send your resume, work samples and desired hourly rate to [highlight colour=”blue”]contact@myarcadeplugin.com[/highlight]