We have developed a Link & Banner Exchange Plugin that will perfectly work with your Arcade site. The plugin will help you to improve your link popularity because the plugin generates real backlinks. They are not “hidden” like on other exchange scripts. In addition it will bring you new visitors!

We have decided to offer this plugin on Codecanyon to check if other WordPress users are interested in such a plugin. The price of the plugin is very low. You can purchase it for 16 USD ( ~ 12 Euro).

WPLinkTrade Features
  • Text Link Exchange
  • Banner Exchange
  • Easy Administration Panel to edit, accept or delete submissions
  • Front end link / banner submission form
  • Automated backlink check on new submissions
  • Cron support for backlink checks for every link partner
  • Admin Email notifications on new submissions
  • Admin Email notifications when link partner removes your backlink
  • User Email notifications to conform link submission
  • Works with every WordPress theme without theme modification
  • Several Shortcodes which can be used everywhere
  • Widget to display link and banner exchanges
  • Real-Time stats for incoming and outgoing clicks
  • Anti-Cheat protection for incoming and outgoing clicks
  • Easy to extend
  • Configurable link target location (new window, same window)
  • Configurable link relation (none, nofollow, bookmark)
  • Uses WordPress custom post type feature

More features will come soon.

WPLinkTrade on Codecanyon