We are happy to present you the first WordPress Arcade Tournaments Plugin in the world. With MyArcadeContest you can create and manage user contests (tournaments) with ease.  The plugin will work perfectly with MyArcadePlugin Pro and CubePoints.

Let’s take a look so the features of MyArcadeContest:

Unlimited Contests

MyArcadeContest allows you to start and manage unlimited number of contests simultaneously. For each game that supports scores (Mochi or IBPArcade) you can start a contest.

Start and End

The date picker allows you very comfortable to select the start and the end date of the contest and with the WordPress post management you will be able to start a contest punctual to a minute. To complete or terminate the contest, MyArcadeContest offers you two options:

  • As the site manager or administrator you can complete the contest whenever you want from the Contest Management Panel.
  • Automated completion – MyArcadeContest will automatically check if the end date of a contest is reached and close the contest automatically. You don’t need to lift a finger!

Contest Members

Our WordPress Contest Plugin allows you to control everything! For example you can limit available player slots. If you set it to e.g. 100 then only 100 players are allowed to join the contest but you can also allow unlimited number of players.

To make contests exclusive to a user group, you can select the minimal required user role for a contest. Users with a lower user rank will not be able to join the contest. With this awesome feature, you can create exclusive contests available only for your premium / payed users.

Contest Fees

For each contest you can setup a contest and a play fee in CubePoints. The user has to pay a contest fee if he wants to join the contest. If you set a play fee then the user has to pay for each play attempt on the contest game.

Contest Prizes

Another feature which no other Arcade Tournament Script can offer is that you are able to define unlimited number of prizes for each contest! This feature is implemented with the latest AJAX Technology and prizes can be added or removed without page reloads.

Contest Widgets

MyArcadeContest comes with several useful widgets which you can add to your sidebars. All widgets support multi instances. That allows you to use each widgets several times on different or same sidebars.

Available Widgets:

  • Contest Leaderboard Widget displays the ranking of the current contest on a game play page
  • Active Contests Widget displays all current contests with links to each contest landing page.
  • Finished Contests Widget displays closed contests with links to each contest. This will allow your visitors and users to browse completed contests.

Contest Templates

Another feature that we are proud on is our template handling.  MyArcadeContest will work with every WordPress theme out of the box! No theme modifications needed! We have included default templates for Contest Landing Pages and Contest Archive Pages but if you are familiar with web development techniques then you can also create your own custom themes.

MyArcadeContest Video

Take a look to this short video that will show you how MyArcadeContest works:

[youtube video=”gaIZ-yO_p-8″ width=”560″ height=”426″]

MyArcadeContest Key Features

  • Arrange Contests / Tournaments on your MyArcadePlugin powered WP Arcade Site
  • Create unlimited number of contests simultaneously
  • Define unlimited number of contest prizes (CubePoints)
  • Define contest signup fee (CubePoints)
  • Define play fee (CubePoints)
  • Define minimal required user role
  • Define start date for the contest
  • Define end date for the contest
  • Easy user management
  • Widget for recent contests
  • Widget for contest archives
  • Contest Leaderboard Widget
  • jQuery modal notifications on joining contest
  • Join contest button shortcode [join_contest_button]
  • Play contest game shortcode [play_contest_button]
  • MyArcadeContest will work with every WordPress Theme out of the box
  • Custom template styling enabled
  • Contests are handled as regular WordPress posts with Featured images
  • Automated insertion of Contest details with nice jQuery tabs


To be able to use MyArcadeContest you will need to fulfill only a few requirements:

  • Latest MyArcadePlugin Pro Version
  • CubePoints Plugin (FREE)


Download MyArcadeContest

You can get your copy of MyArcadeContest Plugin on exells.com. exells.com is a virutal where you can buy and sell digital goods.