With our latest MyArcadePlugin version you can use real cron jobs to trigger game fetching and game publishing. A real cron job can help you to publish game on an exact time. Usually WordPress Cron can do this too but if you have a new site with only a few visitors per day then the WordPress cron will not work properly and games will be published sporadically.

In this tutorial we want to show you how to setup Cron Jobs on GoDaddy and HostGator for automated game publishing or game fetching.

MyArcadePlugin Dashboard

MyArcadePlugin automation can be triggered by two URL’s. One URL is for automated game fetching and the second for automated game publishing. With these two different trigger URL’s you can fetch and publish games independently with different time intervals.

On your MyArcadePlugin Dashboard you will find your cron URL’s. The trigger is protected with a unique API Key to avoid abuses and unwanted triggers.

HostGator Cron Job Settings

To setup a cron job on HostGator you will need to login to your cPanel. Scroll down to “Advanced” settings section and click on “Cron Jobs“.

Now you can add a new cron job. On “Common Settings” you can select already predefined cron intervals of you can add your own cron settings on the fields below. On the “Command” field you will need to add your MyArcadePlugin Cron URL. If you want to create a automated fetching cron then paste your URL for game fetching here.

Click on “Add New Cron Job” to save the created cron job. Now you HostGator hosting will trigger game fetching or game publishing on your WordPress Arcade site.

GoDaddy Cron Job Settings

As well on HostGator you can add cron jobs on your GoDaddy account with ease too. Login to your GoDaddy Account click on Web Hosting and go to your Hosting Control Center. On the “Tools Section” click on “Cron Job Manager“.

Click on “Create Cron Job” and fill out the from. Select the desired Frequency, Hour and enter a Cron Job Title. On the Command line you should paste the MyArcadePlugin Cron URL.

If you want to create your own time interval then click on “Custom” and add the desired cron settings.

Now you are able to fetch and publish games automatically triggered by GoDaddy or HostGator. The real cron trigger is supported by MyAracadePlugin v5.60 or above.