We are proud to present you a new MyArcadePlugin Pro version. We have upgraded our WordPress Arcade to v5.00 and many new features have been added.  In addition, MyScoresPresenter, MyGameListCreator and the FunGames theme were also updated.

Let us look at the changes of MyArcadePlugin Pro:

  • With MyArcadePlugin v5.00 you will be able to fetch games from 4 game distributors: Mochi, HeyZap, Kongregate and Playtomic.  In addition to that, PHPBB Games and ZIP Games import were added.
  • CubePoints Support:  MyArcadePlugin is the first WordPress Arcade that comes with CubePoints support. With CubePoints you can award points to your users for playing games, submitting scores, visiting your site, getting highscores, writing comments and a lot of more. No other Arcade Script is able to compete with this system!
  • Do you want to increase registrations on your Arcade Website? Nothing is easier than that. On MyArcadePlugin v5 you can define a number of game plays that a guest is able to play. To play more games user will need to register. We call this feature “Force to Register“.
  • Two new template variables were added to our WordPress Arcade Solution: %TITLE% and %TAGS%. Now we have five template tags that you can use to generate unique game descriptions automatically. Search engines will love your new game posts!

Other improvements on MyArcadePlugin are:

  • New: Real game play counter per user
  • New: User Leaderboard
  • New: Option to remove all games from the database that are marked as “deleted”
  • New: Improved scores handling for Mochi and IBPArcade Games
  • New: Improved manual game import
  • New: Option to publish games in a custom post type
  • New: Score Actions for developers to integrate own functions with MyArcadePlugin
  • New: New infrastructure to make the plugin faster and future enchantments easier
  • Fix: CSS fix on fetch games site
  • Fix: Category Mapping don’t work when “Use Only The First Category” is checked

There is a massive update on our WordPress Arcade Theme, too. FunGames v4.00 comes with 24 new features!

Here is the change log:

  • New: Flexible Sidebar position: left, right
  • New: Fully widgetized sidebar
  • New: Widget areas for: Home, Single, Category, Page
  • New: Widget: Most Played Games
  • New: Widget: Most Rated Games
  • New: Widget: 125x125px Advertisements
  • New: Widget: Embed Youtube Videos
  • New: Widget: User Panel
  • New: Widget: Global Mochi Scores
  • New: Move Featured Games Slider to a Widget
  • New: Option to enable auto scroll for the top slider
  • New: WP Menu support for main navigation (with submenus)
  • New: WP Menu support for footer navigation
  • New: Game pre loader with advertisements
  • New: Hide Category boxes on the front page without IDs
  • New: Template for blog posts
  • New: Favorite Post Plugin support
  • New: Ultimate Facebook Plugin support
  • New: WP-FB-AutoConnect support
  • New: Sexy bookmarks Plugin support
  • New: Full screen feature
  • New: Turn lights off feature
  • New: Nivo Slider
  • New: Option to select how the games should be ordered on the front page (desc, random)
Learn more about our WordPress Arcade Solution: MyArcadePlugin Features