Today a new MyArcadePlugin version has been released! The new version includes two really cool features that you will love!

Pay-To-Play with CubePoints

[image_frame float=”center” image=”×79.png” zoom=”” width=”340″ height=”90″]From now on you will be able to charge a fee (CubePoints) for playing games. On the CubePoints settings page you can set the amount of points that should be charged for each game play.

If a user doesn’t have enough points instead of the game a defined message will be displayed. This is an excellent feature to monetize your site. For example your users could purchase points using PayPal or you can award points for being active on your page. Everything is possible!

Support for “Achievements for WordPress” added

A few days ago an excellent free WordPress Achievements plugin has been released (

Achievements gamifies your WordPress site with challenges, badges, and points. Badges and points are the funniest way to reward and encourage members of your community to participate. Leaderboards and rankings bring friendly competition to your community.

[vimeo 56058144 500 375 ]

In MyArcadePlugin version 5.80 we have added support for this great plugin. It allows you to create achievements when

  • The user plays a game
  • The user submits a new score
  • The user submits a new high score
  • The user achieves a new medal (Mochi Games)

Other Changes

Additionally to the two features above in this version we have updated our Microsoft Translator integration and added three new languages (Bulgarian, Catalan and Persian).

In the game output function (get_game) two new filters have been added to allow you to change the game dimensions on the fly:

  • add_filter(‘myarcade_game_width’, ‘my_width_change_function’)
  • add_filter(‘myarcade_game_height’, ‘my_height_change_function’)

Two known issues have been fixed, too:

  • Can’t download FreeGamesForYourWebsite (FOG) games
  • Some IBPArcade games can’t submit scores

How to update?

MyArcadePlugin has built in automated update feature. On your WordPress dashboard you should see an update notification within the next 12 hours.

You are also able to update manually:

  • Download MyArcadePlugin from My Account à Downloads.
  • Deactivate old version
  • Upload the updated version and overwrite old files
  • Activate new MyArcadePlugin version