Today MyArcadePlugin v5.9.3 has been released. This is a minor release that comes with some new features and ensures the compatibility the upcoming WordPress 3.6.

This MyArcadePlugin is important for users who have their sites hosted on GoDaddy. GoDaddy updated their servers and security rules.  The effect was that some users where not able to upload game files and game images on the Import Games page. The issue has been resolved in this MyArcadePlugin release.


  • New: WordPress 3.6 compatibility
  • New: Updated GameFeed AutoPublisher by TalkArcades
  • New: Updated Mochi Media game category handling to check for primary category first
  • New: Updated Mochi Media method to fetch featured games
  • New: Uncategorized games from Spilgames feed will be added to “Other” category
  • Fix: Game Files / Images can’t be uploaded on the import form on some servers

How to update MyArcadePlugin?

MyArcadePlugin has built in automated updater. On your WordPress dashboard you should see an update notification within the next 12 hours. If you don’t want to want to wait for the update notification you can download MyArcadePlugin from “My Account” and update it manually.
