Today we have released a new MyArcadeTheme version. Several new features have been added and known issues have been resolved. New parameters for Adsense for Games have been added to allow you to change the maximum video length and the language code to fit your site language. For other changes check the changelog below.

= MyArcadeTheme Changelog v3.1.0 =

  • New – Adsense for games parameter – maximum video length
  • New – Adsense for games parameter – language code
  • New – Option to replace login form with a button on user panel widget
  • New – CSS adjustments for ‘Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha’ plugin
  • New – Tumblr Support for follow buttons.
  • New – Replaced dark image placeholder with a loading animation if lazy load is enabled
  • New – Improved bbPress Post Interface
  • Fix – Minor display issue on certain browsers for users BuddyPress Profile Pages

= MyArcadeTheme v3.1.0 – Modified Files =

File Lines Added Lines Removed
inc/admin/config.php 54 2
partials/game-adsense-for-games.php 2 2
inc/admin/widget-form-functions.php 35 0
inc/widgets/widget_user_panel.php 53 35
comments.php 3 2
style.css 11 5
inc/myarcade_api.php 9 1
functions.php 15 1
partials/social-share.php 8 0
css/buddypress.css 1 1

We have activated auto update and you should see the new update on your WordPress dashboard in a few hours.