MyArcadePlugin is one of the most active Arcade Scripts / WordPress Arcade Solutions. Our software is updated regularly and with each update we add some new features to make our WP Arcade Solution even better. Today we have released MyArcadePlugin Pro v5.41, MyScoresPresenter v3.10 and FunGames Theme v4.61.

With this release we have made MyArcadePlugin ready for the new PHP version (5.4) that has been released a few days ago. On the other hand game slug generation has been improved and two issues have been fixed. Here is the changelog for MyArcadePlugin v5.41:

  • New: Compatibility with PHP 5.4
  • New: Improved game slug generation (file names will contain only alphanumeric characters)
  • Fix: Display game categories on “Fetch Games” panel.
  • Fix: MyArcade link on admin bar doesn’t work

MyScoresPresenter v3.10 has got a new BuddyPress Score template that shows user scores on the profile page. “My Score” panel can now be accessed by other members. Changelog:

  • New: Improved settings descriptions
  • New: Updated BuddyPress scores template
  • Fix: “My Scores” on BuddyPress profile page can’t be viewed by other users

FunGames v4.61 supports now CubePoints Buddypress Integration Plugin

  • New: Template files for CubePoints Buddypress Integration Plugin
  • Fix: Buddypress signup page template


Download MyArcadePlugin Pro and all other updates on our support forum!