FunGames Documentation

FunGames is a premium WordPress Arcade Theme that comes free with MyArcadePlugin. It is fully customizable and it is compatible with the most popular WordPress plugins such as bbPress and BuddyPress. To see a live demo of this theme, visit

Please make sure that your permalink structure is set to something other than the default. You can use “/%categroy%/%postname%/” or simply “/%postname%/”. Otherwise, there might be problems on single game pages.

Options Panel

The theme options panel can be found at Appearance -> Theme Options. Here you will get an overview of all the available settings.

General Settings

From here you will be able to configure the basic layout of your arcade site.

 Main Color Schema

This will allow you to change the default color scheme of FunGames to another style such as Pink, Blue, and Red.

 Sidebar Position

This setting will allow you to set your sidebar on the left or right side of the page.

Game Category Presentation

This will allow you to change how the games are presented on your homepage. You have 5 options, Miniclip, Full, Horizontal, Vertical, and Half.

 Games Per Category Box

You can set how many games will show up in each of the category boxes.

Hide Category Boxes

If you have some categories that you don’t want to show on the homepage such as “other” then you can deselect it from here.

Blog Category

If you want to have a blog on your website set a category here that will be common of all blog posts. Set something generic such as Blog to avoid confusing your readers. Also, keep in mind if you create a blog post without this category then it will not display properly.

User Login Bar

You can enable or disable the user login bar.

Rich Snippet

IF you are using the WP-PostRatings plugin then you can set an option to enable Rich Snippets for the ratings.

Load jQuery From Google CDN

Instead of loading jQuery from your server, you can load it from Google’s library which is typically faster for your users.

 Header & Footer

From this menu, you will be able to customize the theme to make it more fit for you. For instance, you will be able to set the Favicon and Logo from this menu. You will also be able to add your own code to the header and footer. This can be useful for adding Google Analytics to your website.

 Custom Favicon

If you have a favicon that you are looking to upload enable this setting and upload your favicon for it to start showing.

Custom Logo

To override the default logo you will be able to upload your own here. Keep the image at a size of 460×80 or less to avoid display issues.

Description and Keywords Status

If you are not using an SEO plugin and want to set your meta description and keywords tag you will be able to do so from this setting. Keep in mind that most modern search engines pay no attention to the keywords tag and it can hurt your rankings if you place too many keywords. The best practice is to only use 3 keywords or less for the few search engines that might still use it and to avoid penalty.

Custom Header Code

If you are trying to verify your website and have some type of meta verification that you are trying to add such as Alexa verification you will be able to copy and paste the information into this field for it to show up in your website’s header.

Custom Footer Code

If you want to load a script such as Google Analytics it is a good practice to do so in the footer, and by pasting the script fully in this field you should have it displaying on your website.

MyArcadePlugin Affiliate Link

Enter your MyArcadePlugin affiliate link here to promote MyArcadePlugin and to earn extra money! If you do not have an affiliate account, please create one here:

Affiliate Link Text

You can enter a user-defined Link Text for your affiliate link.

Home Page

This section will allow you to further the customization of your homepage.

Game Order

You can set how the games will be displayed on your homepage if you set this option to random your load time might decrease as it will generate a unique appearance on every reload. It is recommended in most cases to leave this disabled unless you are using a powerful VPS or are using a proper caching plugin.

Contest Box

If you have MyArcadeContest installed then it is recommended to enable this setting.

Hall Of Fame

The Hall Of Fame will show your top players by the number of game plays and high scores that they hold.

Sortable Games Box

If you want to show a sortable Games Box to your users enable this setting.

Front Page Text

It is recommended to have some contextual content on your homepage for SEO reasons, however, you may opt to disable this setting.

Step Carousel

The step Carousel is the floating carousel above the login bar on You can configure this in various ways such as only showing games in the “Action” category.


This is the main slider that you will show your users the best of your games.

Game Page

This section will allow you to customize the appearance of your game pages.

Pre-Game Page

If you want your visitors to be shown a pregame page requiring them to click the play button before they play your game then enable this setting. This has been known to increase CTR but also is annoying from a user experience standpoint.

Game Embed Box

If you want to allow your visitors to embed your games on their website then enable this option. If you are using a shared hosting plan or one where resources are tight it is recommended to disable this setting.

Display Game Screen Shots

If you have screenshots of your games and want to show them to your users then enable this setting. Or if you opted to download the screenshots in the MyArcadePlugin settings then you should enable this setting.

Display Game Video

If you have linked to a YouTube video then you should enable this setting.

Fullscreen Button

This will allow your visitors to enable a fullscreen mode to play their game without any distractions. It is recommended to enable this option.

Lights On / Off Button

You can allow your users to block out all distractions through this option. It is recommended to enable this option.

Favorite Button

If you have the favorites plugin installed, use this setting to allow them to favorite their games.

Progress Bar

If you want a progress bar that displays an advertisement before the game loads then enable this option. Keep in mind displaying an advertisement here is against Google Adsense policy and it can get you banned from the advertising network.

Advertisement Banner

Header Banner

Place your 468×60 advertisement code here. If you are in Adsense place a responsive advertisement here and it will fill the space accordingly.

Pre-Game Banner

Place a 200×200 advertisement here and it will display right above the play button.

Content Banner

On your search pages, the first listing will show a 300×250 advertisement banner paste your code here.

Game Preloader Banner

If you have the preloader enabled, paste your advertising code here 336×280 is recommended.

Over Game Banner

If you want to show an advertisement over your game paste your code in the box. Keep in mind if you are using Adsense enable the following box or you can risk your account getting banned.

Banner For Index Page

If you are using the vertical game box then a 200×200 advertisement will be displayed in the second half of some of the boxes. Paste your code here if you are using that feature.

Recommended Plugins

Recommended Plugins are plugins that are needed for all the theme functions to work properly. Some plugins are not needed for the theme to run properly such as (Shareaholic) but have innate support in the theme. Plugins that are marked with an “X” indicate that they are not installed yet and it is recommended for you to do so.

Let’s Get Started

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Let's Build this Thing Together!