MyArcadeTheme Documentation

General Settings

Sidebar Position

Set the sidebar to the left or right side of the page.

Sticky Sidebar

This setting allows you to have your sidebar follow the user as the scroll down the page. Default is on (only affects desktop devices).

Smooth Scrolling

Smooth Scrolling is a feature that makes scrolling feel more “smooth” by each mouse wheel turn scroll down the page by a percentage. Disabled by default, only affects desktop devices.

Back To Top

Enables or disables the back to top button.

Lazy Load

Lazy load the images on your website to improve the load time this is recommended to remain active on the site.

Lazy Load Animation

This feature, simply adds a little scrolling loading symbol where the image is supposed to be, to indicate to users that the image is downloading.

Character Set

Set’s the character set for Google Fonts to download. Latin is the default.

Header & Footer


Upload a custom favicon to display on your website. This is the icon that shows next to the website name in the browser tab.


Upload a custom logo to display on your website.

Footer Logo

Upload a logo to display in the footer of your website.

Login Logo

Upload a logo that is displayed on the wp-login.php

Random Game Button

Enable or disable the random game button in your menu.

Top Bar

Enable or disable the top bar.


Enable or disable the dynamic heading in the top bar.

Login Link

Enable or disable the login link in the top bar. Select modal to prevent redirecting users to a separate page to login.

Register Link

Enable or disable the register link in the top bar. Select modal to prevent redirecting users to a separate page to register.


Enable or disable the search button in the top bar.

Follow Icons

Enable or disable the following icons in the top bar.

Carousel Slider

Enable or disable the carousel slider, select the number of slides to show, or select the categories that should appear in the slider.

News Ticker

You can enable or disable the ticker, select how many items that appear, and what categories to show. Avoid showing too many items as the news ticker can generate a lot of unnecessary DOM elements.

Header Code

Add your own JS, CSS, or other HTML code to display in the header.

Footer Code

Add your own JS, CSS, or other HTML code to display in the footer. For performance reasons always add custom JS in the footer.

Footer Copyright

Add your own footer copyright text to show below the footer widgets area.

Footer Widgets

Enable or disable the widgets section in the footer.

Front Page

Home Slider

Enable or disable the BX Slider, select the number of slides to show and the categories of games to display.

Promoted Games

Change the title of the box, the categories that are displayed, or the number of games shown in the box.

Hall Of Fame

Enable or disable the hall of fame, you can also change the title text.

Category Design

Here you can change the number of games displayed on the homepage, and exclude certain categories. You are also able to change the layout of the boxes.

Front Page Text

Add some text on your homepage to improve your ranking in Google. Remember to avoid keyword stuffing, and to write something meaningful.

Blog Archive

Blog Category

Select the category of posts to show on the blog archive page.

Blog Archive Breadcrumbs

Enable or disable breadcrumbs on the blog archive page.

Blog Category Description

Enable or disable the blog category description for the blog category you selected above.

Description Expandable

Enable or disable an expandable description box for the blog category.

Blog Single Post

Featured Image

Enable or disable the featured image feature for blog posts.

Author Box

Enable or disable the author box at the bottom of the blog post.

Single Post Breadcrumbs

Enable or disable breadcrumbs on the blog posts.

Single Post Comments

Enable or disable comments on a single blog post.

Pre-Game Page

This will set a pregame landing page that provides a description of the game and other details. It is recommended to use this feature.

Stop Indexing Play Page

This will add a no-follow tag to the /play/ page in order to solve duplicate content warnings.

MyScorePresenter Widgets

Enable or disable MyScorePresenter widgets on the pre-game page.

Game Controls

Enable this if you want game controls to display, requires the MyArcadeControls Plugin.

Screen Shots

You can enable or disable the screenshots on the landing page.

Game Video

You can enable or disable the game video on the landing page.

Veedi Integration

Enable or disable Veedi videos.

Game Embed Box

You can enable or disable the game embed box on the pregame page.

Related Games

Enable or disable the related games that show at the bottom of the game.

Play Game Page

Game Controls

Enable this if you want game controls to display, requires the MyArcadeControls Plugin.

Screen Shots

You can enable or disable the screenshots on the landing page.

Game Video

You can enable or disable the game video on the landing page.

Veedi Integration

Enable or disable Veedi videos.

Game Embed Box

You can enable or disable the game embed box on the pregame page.

Related Games

Enable or disable the related games that show at the bottom of the game.

Fullscreen Button

Enable or disable the user’s ability to enter the game fullscreen.

Fullscreen Feature

You can either have the game go fullscreen (without reloading the page), with reloading to its own unique page or disable the fullscreen feature altogether.

Lightbulb Button

Enable or disable the user’s ability to turn off the lights.

Favorite Button

Enable or disable the favorites button beneath the game.

Report Button

Enable or disable the report broken game button.

Share Button

Enable or disable the share buttons.

Styling Options

Theme Stylesheet

Choose between our regular and dark theme styles. More will be added in the future!


Choose between having a boxed layout or a full-width layout on your website.

Custom CSS

You can change some colors from the administration panel or simply paste your CSS into the module. Keep in mind that once you enable this setting the default theme stylesheet will be used (to avoid conflicts).

Advertisement Banner

Here you can place advertisements in various locations in the theme. You can paste images, javascript, text, and other forms of advertising in these locations.

Header Banner

Place a 728×90 code in the header of your website to show up.

Friv-Style Layout Banner

This banner will show if you have selected the friv-style homepage layout. 300×250 recommended.

Banner Content (Vertical Box Layout) 


Game Preloader Ads

You can choose to display a regular banner advertisement before the game loads, or you can use Adsense For Games!

Social Networking

In here you can place the URL to your various social media pages so it appears on the top bar of the website! Currently, there is support for Facebook, Twitter, G+, Linkedin, Tumblr, Reddit, Steam, Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Quora, VK, Odnoklassniki, RenRen, Weibo, Medium, Telegram, SnapChat, and a Feed URL.


You can download the configuration settings of the theme to your computer to make it easy to copy these settings to other websites, or to keep a backup for when you update the theme!

Support Plugins

We try to integrate our theme with all plugins by using native WordPress functions that being said we have added special support for a number of plugins.

  • bbPress – A forum plugin
  • BuddyPress – Adds social media features to your website.
  • MyCred – Allows you to award users points that they could redeem for prizes, titles and more.
  • WooCommerce – You could build an affiliate shop? Sell your own games? Or integrate it with MyCred to sell credits, or to offer rewards for your dedicated users.
  • Links/Problem Reporter – If one of your games isn’t working but you can’t tell which let your community submit a report so you can easily solve the problem!
  • Lightbox Plus Colorbox – A color box to show off those screenshots!
  • WP Favorite Posts – Allow your community members to favorite their games!
  • WP-PageNavi – Enhanced pagination for WordPress
  • WP-PostRatings – Let your community decide which games are best!
  • WP-PostViews – Displays your most played games!
  • Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha – Prevent comment and registration spam!

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