
MyArcadePlugin is the most activate Arcade Script Project in the world. Since 2009 we have constantly improved our product and released a lot of new versions. Here you can track our progress:

| MyArcadePlugin | MyArcadeTheme | FunGames |

MyArcadePlugin Pro Changelog

= v6.5.0 – 2024-06-19 =
* New – Updated GamePix API to v2
* Fix – MyArcade Score Bridge not updating scores
* Tweak – Game screenshots are downloaded automatically if available
* Tweak – Improved IBPArcade config check on import

= v6.4.0 – 2024-05-17 =
* New – GameMonetize integration updated

= v6.3.0 – 2024-03-21 =
* New – Ruffle Emulator integration – Play old flash games
* Fix – Deprecated jQuery functions
* Fix – Screenshot upload on manual game import
* Fix – Import of IBPArcade games that don’t have correct syntax in the game configuration file
* Fix – Some of the PHPCS issues

= v6.2.2 – 2023-09-22 =
* Fix – PHP deprecated warnings
* Fix – PHP session warning

= v6.2.1 – 2022-11-11 =
* Fix – Thickbox on admin page not working correctly with WordPress 6.1
* Fix – PHP Warning caused by cron schedule when stats are disabled
* Fix – PHP Warning on previewing GameDistribution games

= v6.2.0 – 2022-09-14 =
* New – GameDistribution integration updated
* New – HTMLGames integration updated
* New – Wanted5Games integration updated
* Removed Softgames integration (Service has been down for a while)

= v6.1.3 – 2022-03-29 =
* New – Keep the last selected import method after a game import
* Tweak- Improved PHP 8.1.3 compatibility
* Fix – TAR handling class not included correctly

= v6.1.2 – 2022-03-03 =
* Fix – Fetching options not set correctly
* Fix – Usage of deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING constant (PHP 8.1.0)

= v6.1.1 – 2022-02-20 =
* Fix – License verification not working
* Fix – Error ‘Manage Scores’ page error
* Fix – Hoghscore check database error

= v6.1.0 – 2022-02-10 =
* New – Updated GameDistribution Integration – Use API v2.0
* Fix – Softgames integration. Now all games are added to cateogry “Other” because of missing category information in the feed.
* Tweak – PHPCS issues
* Tweak – Excape dynamic data
* Tweak – Make sure data are properly prepared for database
* Tweak – Make static text translatable
* Tweak – Removed unused gamersafe code
* Removed Arcade Game Feed Integration
* Removed FreeFamesForYourWebsite (FOG)

= v6.0.3 – 2021-03-23 =
* Fix – Clean up scheduled cron jobs from the database

= v6.0.2 – 2021-03-15 =
* Fix – Stats aggregator event scheduled too often

= v6.0.1 – 2021-03-13 =
* Fix – Can’t import games
* Fix – Issues with MyScoresPresenter

= v6.0.0 – 2021-03-12 =
* New – GameArter feed integration (
* New – Wanted5Games feed integration (
* New – WordPress 5.7 compatibility
* Tweak – Introduce of MyArcadePlugin class and start of refactoring
* Fix – Cannot start a session when headers already sent

= v5.40.2 – 2021-03-03 =
* Fix – Site health loopback issue (cURL error 28)
* Fix – Game count on the dashboard if custom post type is in use

= v5.40.1 – 2021-02-26 =
* Fix – Issue with category mapping in combination with Theme Integration Plugin

= v5.40.0 – 2021-02-11 =
* New – Updated GameDistribution integration
* Fix – Error when disabling plugin on a multisite network
* Removed Plinga, PlayToMax and Scirra Integrations – Services have been discontinued

= v5.39.2 – 2021-02-04 =
* Tweak: Updated play duration recording
* Tweak: Updated bot / spider detection
* Tweak: Removed MyArcade menu position to avoid conflicts with other plugins
* Fix: Error when enabling plugin on a multisite network
* Fix: PHP notice during the plugin update check

= v5.39.1 – 2020-08-17 =
* Fix – JQuery issues with WordPress 5.5

= v5.39.0 – 2020-08-05 =
* New – Updated Microsoft Translator integration to API v3
* New – Updated Famobi Integration
* New – Updated Kongregate integration
* Fix – GamePix – Not all available games are fetched
* Fix – Replaced usage of a deprecated function ‘wp_get_sites’

= v5.38.1 – 2020-06-18 =
* Tweak – Removed deprecated Achievements integration
* Tweak – Made missing strings from BuddyPress integration translatable
* Tweak – GameMonetize – Removed game type selection because this was the same as on the general settings
* Fix – GameMonetize – Fetch only mobile games if only mobile games are enabled on general settings

= v5.38.0 – 2020-05-20 =
* New – Updated Softgames API integration
* New – GameDistribution – Option to fetch exclusive games
* New – GameDistribution – Set mobile parameter during fetching if only mobile games are enabled
* New – HTMLGames – Use big thumbnail as screenshot (800x450px)
* Tweak – Gamepix – Removed publisher ID (It’s not needed anymore)
* Tweak – Removed SWFObject game displaying
* Fix – MyArcadeFeed – Games can’t be fetched
* Fix – 4J – Fetching only mobile games

= v5.37.1 – 2020.02.05 =
* Fix: HTML5 folder for game uploads was not created automatically
* Fix: PHP Notice on plugin activation or update check
* Fix: Redirect issue for IBPArcade gamedata files

= v5.37.0 – 2019-12-16 =
* New – 4J revenue share integration
* Fix – Score bridge exit function
* Fix – Quick Edit clears all custom field values

= v5.36.1 – 2019-11-22 =
* Tweak – Optimized GameMonetize category mapping to be able to fetch all available games
* Tweak – Removed unused code
* Tweak – Use wp_json_encode instead of json_encode
* Fix – Usage of a non-validated or sanitized variables
* Fix – Fixed some error prone code
* Fix – Site Health issues

= v5.36.0 – 2019-10-12 =
* New – MyArcade Score and Achievement API for HTML5 game developers added
* Fix – No feedback is displayed for HTML5 (zip files) import after finished file upload

= v5.35.3 – 2019-10-09 =
* Tweak – Removed base64_decode function because of issues with some servers

= v5.35.2 – 2019-10-07 =
* Tweak – Improved file inclusion

= v5.35.1 – 2019-10-04 =
* Fix – PHP Fatal error if cron fetching is enabled for Scirra games

= v5.35.0 – 2019-10-02 =
* New – GameMonetize Integration (HTML5 and Mobile Games)
* Fix – Wordfence issues

= v5.34.2 – 2019-03-21 =
* Fix – Import form – Import method not handled correctly
* Fix – Feed URLs on MyArcade Dashboard
* Tweak – Optimized game data displaying on posts
* Tweak – Removed deprecated file mochi_autopost.php

= v5.34.1 – 2018-11-30 =
* Fix – GameDistribution offset fetching
* Fix – GamePix – Use SSL feed URL

= v5.34.0 – 2018-10-09 =
* New – Import HTML5 games in zip format
* New – Set HMTL5 game as default selection for import form
* New – Delete HTML5 game file on post delete

= v5.33.0 – 2018-10-08 =
* New – Updated GameDistribution API
* Fix – Plinga – SSL URL – Part 2

= v5.32.1 – 2018-08-10 =
* Fix – Plinga – SSL URL
* Fix – Kongregate feed processing
* Removed 2PG, Coolgames and Spilgames – Services have been discontinued

= v5.32.0 – 2017-12-16 =
* New – 4J Feed Integration (HTML5, Flash, Unity3D, WebGL)
* Tweak – Optimized distributors settings
* Fix – GameDistribution fetching

= v5.31.1 – 2017-11-09 =
* Fix – Hourly game plays graph
* Fix – Query error in counting game plays

= v5.31.0 – 2017-11-03 =
* New – Import of IBPArcade HTML5 games (tar files)
* New – Save scores submitted by IBPArcade HTML5 games
* Tweak – Improved duplicate games checking for IBPArcade Games
* Tweak – Use plugins_url function instead of WP_PLUGIN_URL constant
* Tweak – Improved stats tracking

= v5.30.0 – 2017-09-08 =
* New – GameDistribution feed integration (
* New – Stats page with useful statistics:
– Summary Plays: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Total
– Top 10 Games of all time
– Daily game plays chart for 30 days
– Hourly game plays chart for last 24 hours
– Latest game plays with play durations
– Ratio pie chart: registered vs. unregistered users
– Most active users
– Unpopular games
– Currently unplayed games
* New – Track game plays and play durations for each game and user
* New – Global game play counter
* New – Count game plays for each game
* Tweak – Moved all images and css files to assets folder
* Tweak – Removed unused images
* Tweak – FOG – Optimized fetching to avoid broken images
* Tweak – FOG – Changed default thumbnail size to medium (180×135)
* Tweak – Create required folders on access if they not exist
* Tweak – Optimized import handler JS code to avoid conflicts if TinyMCE is disabled

= v5.29.0 – 2017-06-08 =
* New – Microsoft Translator API – Cognitive Services (60 Languages)
* New – Upload game images with WP Media Uploader according to MyArcade permalink structure
* Tweak – Added allowfullscreen parameter to iframe
* Tweak – Improved fullscreen game displaying
* Removed FlashGameDistribution – Service has been discontinued

= v5.28.2 – 2017-03-22 =
* Fix – Thumbnails marked as “Unattached” on the media library even if they are set as featured image

= v5.28.1 – 2017-03-22 =
* Fix – Images are not removed from media library on game delete
* Fix – Post content thumbnail URL when using the %THUMB% placeholder
* Tweak – Improved file deletion procedure
* Tweak – Removed option to delete game files. Files will be automatically deleted on post delete

= v5.28.0 – 2017-03-21 =
* New – Softgames – Language selection
* New – Save thumbnails only at a single location
* New – Add game thumbnails automatically to WordPress media library
* Tweak – Removed download thumbnails option. Thumbnails are now automatically added as featured image

= v5.27.1 – 2017-03-11 =
* New – Plinga – SSL suppport added
* New – Softgames – SSL suppport added
* New – Option to handle SSL for already published games (Enable on the options page)
* Tweak – Game thumbnails will automatically be added as post featured images
* Fix – Add game description and instructions automatically to the rich text editor on import
* Removed GamerSafe – Service has been discontinued

= v5.27.0 – 2017-02-09 =
* New – Rich text editors for game description and instructions
* New – Use SSL to embed games if SSL is enabled for distributors who supports it
* New – WordPress 4.7 ready
* Fix – 2PG Feed URL

= v5.26.0 – 2016-11-19 =
* New – Option to fetch only mobile games
* New – Updated GameFeed AutoPublisher by TalkArcades
* New – Option to configure GameFeed AutoPublisher from the backend
* You don’t need to copy the feed integration file to your main folder anymore
* New – Filter to allow game filtering on fetching
– apply_filters( ‘myarcade_add_fetched_game’, true, $game )
* New – Updated Spilgames integration
* Fix – Displaying of PlayToMax games
* Fix – Delete user records from highscore and medal tables on user delete

= v5.25.0 – 2016-10-17 =
* Removed BigFish Games support
* Fix – Display embed code on custom post meta

= v5.24.0 – 2016-09-06 =
* New – CoolGames integration
* New – WordPress 4.6 ready
* New – PHPBB Games – Handle game folders on import
* New – Filter to modify iframe parameters
– apply_filters( ‘myarcade_iframe_parameters’, ‘frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”‘, $game_id );
* Fix – PHPBB Games – Delete uploaded zip file if duplicate game

= v5.23.0 – 2016-07-10 =
* New – PlayToMax integration
* New – PHPBB Games – Read game details from php config file
* Fix – PHPBB Games – Can’t detect dimensions

= v5.22.0 – 2016-06-11 =
* New – PHP 7 compatibility
* New – Check for duplicate IBPArcade games on manual import
* New – Set category automatically on IBPArcade manual import
* Fix – External cron trigger for game publishing and fetching
* Fix – Delete high scores and medals when deleting all scores
* Tweak – Keep selected game type after import to speed up multiple game imports

= v5.21.1 – 2016-04-17 =
* New: WordPress 4.5 compatibility

= v5.21.0 – 2016-03-16 =
* New – Spilgames – Updated feed integration to fetch mobile games
* New – Add ‘mobile’ tag automatically to mobile games
* Fix – BigFish – Feed URL language parameter

= v5.20.0 – 2015-12-18 =
* New – Save achievements submitted by GamerSafe games
* New – WordPress 4.4 optimization
* Fix – Can’t fetch MyArcadeFeed feeds
* Removed UnityFeeds support: Service has been discontinued

= v5.19.0 – 2015-09-01 =
* New – Softgames feed integration
* New – Plinga feed integration
* Fix – category not updated correctly
* Fix – Don’t try to download games
* Fix – Tag filtering for Big Fish Games

= v5.18.1 – 2015-07-09 =
* Fix – Big Fish games not embedded correctly

= v5.18.0 – 2015-07-02 =
* New – Feed Integration
* New – Option to add a keyword filter while fetching to allow users to fetch only specific games
* Fix – Some FOG categories where not fetched correctly
* Fix – Scirra – Failed to decode the downloaded feed (Thx to Cicklow)

= v5.17.0 – 2015-06-05 =
* New – Bulk game delete from “Manage Games” page
* New – Scirra API
* New – Scirra – Offset fetching
* New – Scirra – Automated fetching
* New – Scirra – Order games while fetching (Date, Name, Best Rated, Hottest..)
* New – Scirra – Fetch mobile ready games
* New – Arcade Game Feed – Option to select thumbnail size (100×100 or 180×135)
* New – GamePix – Option to select thumbnail size (100×100 or 250×250)

= v5.16.2 – 2015-05-03 =
* Fix – Can’t download “Extra Large” thumbnails from Famobi

= v5.16.1 – 2015-04-30 =
* Fix – Don’t try to download Famobi games

= v5.16.0 – 2015-04-25 =
* New – Famobi feed integration (
* New – Yandex Translation API
* New – Option to set GamePix API parameters

= v5.15.3 – 2015-02-01 =
* Fix – Real-Cron trigger for fetching / publishing
* Fix – MyArcade API key check

= v5.15.2 – 2014-12-02 =
* Fix – Clean “new line” characters
* Fix – UnityFeeds feed URL not added to the settings on fresh installation

= v5.15.1 – 2014-09-13 =
* New – WordPress 4.0 compatibility
* New – Create required directories on settings update and not only on plugin activation/update
* Fix – BuddyPress activity stream integration
* Fix – Site admins can’t verify license key on multisite network installation
* Fix – Game URL creation on PHPB/ZIP import

= v5.15.0 – 2014-08-22 =
* New – Multisite network support
* New – Gamepix feed integration (
* New – ArcadeGameFeed integration (
* New – Moved 2PG feed to an own section
* New – Import IBPArcade games witch require PHPBB to be installed
* New – Option to manage scores for particular games (Post -> Edit -> MyArcadePlugin Game Scores)
* New – Display MyArcade Game Details post meta only if the current post is a game
* New – Function ‘is_leaderboard_game’ to check if the game supports score submissions
* New – Moved MyArcadePlugin upload folders to WordPress upload folder (wp-content/uploads/games, wp-content/uploads/thumbs). This was required for the multi site support.
* New – Video URL field on import games form
* New – Serbian translation submitted by Ogi (
* New – Display custom taxonomies on game import form if custom post type is activated
* New – Display MyArcade Game Details meta box on custom post types

= v5.14.2 – 2014-06-29 =
* New – Option to select Iframe games on “Publish Games” page
* New – Action when a game post has been created to allow users to add additional data to the post
– do_action( ‘myarcade_post_created’, $post_id );
* Fix – Import embed games where the embed code contains line breaks
* Fix – Sanitize description and instruction fields correctly

= v5.14.1 – 2014-06-01 =
* Fix – Don’t try to download Iframe games
* Fix – GamerSafe score submission with SWF Object enabled

= v5.14.0 – 2014-05-25 =
* New – GamerSafe Data Bridge integration
* New – GamerSafe option on import games form
* New – GamerSafe option on edit games page
* New – GamerSafe option on Game Data Meta Box
* New – FlashGameDistribution (FGD) – Fetch GamerSafe games
* New – Spilgames – Game Player API integration. Can be enabled on MyArcade -> Spilgames Settings
* New – Spilgames – Offset fetching
* New – FreeOnlineGames (FOG) – Fetch Unity games
* New – FreeOnlineGames (FOG) – Unity games category
* New – MyArcadeFeed – Unity and Iframe game types added
* New – Iframe codes are not stored directly anymore while fetching. Only the URL is stored and the code will be generated automatically
* New – Custom game type: Iframe URL. Just enter a URL of a game or page which should be embedded. The Iframe code will be generated automatically

= v5.13.0 – 2014-05-14 =
* New – Updated to Spilgames Feed API v3
* New – Added original Big Fish Games categories (see Big Fish Settings)
* New – Category mapping for Big Fish Games
* New – Display an error message on fetching Big Fish Games without an affiliate user name
* New – Display an error message on fetching Big Fish Games without active categories
* New – Filter to manipulate game images before they get added
– apply_filters( ‘myarcade_filter_game_code’, $game_code, $game_type );
– apply_filters( ‘myarcade_filter_thumbnail’, $thumbnail_url )
– apply_filters( ‘myarcade_filter_screenshot’, $screenshot_url, $screenshot_number );
* New – Video URL field on MyArcade Game Details meta box
* New – Updated Shockwave embed parameters
* Fix – Game dimensions are not stored correctly for Iframe/Embed games (Import games page)
* Fix – IBPArcade score submission
* Fix – UnityFeeds URL on settings page
* Fix – Query scores on Manage Scores page
* Fix – Automated fetching / publishing with WordPress Cron
* Fix – Category mapping for GameFeed AutoPublisher by TalkArcades

= v5.12.0 – 2014-04-21 =
* New – UnityFeeds integration
* New – Arabic language file
* Fix – Unity3D Fullscreen
* Fix – IBPArcade game store zero scores

= v5.11.1 – 2014-04-09 =
* Fix – Default game post template

= v5.11.0 – 2014-04-01 =
* New – Manual import of Mochi ZIP games (Mochi Legacy)
* New – Option to enable all categories on MyArcadeFeed
* New – Draft button on Manage Games page
* New – Publish manual imported games automatically (Cron)
* New – Scirra Feed: “Example” category mapped to “Other”
* New – Scirra: Don’t add games that are marked as deleted
* New – Removed MySQL functions which are not compatible with MySQLi
* Fix – Don’t query the game table on IBPArcade score submission.
* Fix – Spilgames – thumbnail: use bigger image if small image is not available
* Fix – MyArcadeFeed game type recognition
* Fix – MyArcadeFeed sanitize feed entries
* Fix – Manage Scores – Get games independent of MYARCADE_GAME_TABLE
* Fix – FlashGameDistribution – clean tags while fetching
– Removed Mochi Media support: Service has been discontinued

= v5.10.2 – 2014-01-16 =
* New – FOG Feed: Option to select different languages
* Fix – Publishing HTML5 Games from Spilgames
* Fix – Scirra game fetching
* Tweak – Installation process optimization

= v5.10.1 – 2014-01-05 =
* Fix – Correct control fields while fetching Mochi Media games
* Fix – CSS fix for WordPress 3.8

= v5.10.0 – 2013-11-11 =
* New – Updated MyArcadeFeed to handle embed / iframe games
* New – MyArcadePlugin feed url added to MyArcadeFeed which will contain some exlusive games
* New – 2PG feed url added to MyArcadeFeed (multiplayer games)
* New – Spilgames – updated feed categories (Cooking Games, Match-3 Games, HTML5 Games, Sudoku Games)
* New – Spilgames – Fetch and Embed HTML5 games
* New – SWFObject integration (MyArcade -> General Settings -> Use SWFObject)
* New – Filter to change SWFObject flashvars (myarcade_swfobject_flashvars)
* New – Filter to change SWFObject parameters (myarcade_swfobject_params)
* New – Filter to change SWFObject attributes (myarcade_swfobject_attributes)
* New – Filter to change feed URL while fetching games (myarcade_fetch_url)

= v5.9.4 – 2013-08-31 =
* New – Filter to change game author (myarcade_filter_post_author)
* New – Filter to change swf embed parameters (myarcade_embed_parameters)
* Fix – Microsoft Translator error handling
* Fix – “No Game ID” error on some special servers
* Playtomic support removed because they closed their distribution API

= v5.9.3 – 2013-07-30 =
* New – WordPress 3.6 compatibility
* New – Updated GameFeed AutoPublisher by TalkArcades
* New – Updated Mochi Media game category handling to check for primary category first
* New – Updated Mochi Media method to fetch featured games
* New – Uncategorized games from Spilgames feed will be added to “Other” category
* Fix – Game Files / Images can’t be uploaded on the import form on some servers
* Fix – Typo on fetching games page

= v5.9.2 – 2013-04-27 =
* Fix – Fetching with multiple Mochi Media tags
* Tweak – Overwrite old Mochi Media Feed URL with the new one on plugin update

= v5.9.1 – 2013-04-07 =
* New – Updated Mochi Media feed integration
* New – Playtomic feed workaround on missing SWF urls
* Fix – Sanitize option values

= v5.9.0 – 2013-03-31 =
* New – Unity3D Import Method (Upload .unity3d games)
* New – GameFeed AutoPublisher by TalkArcades
* New – Import games uploaded via FTP
* New – Improved error handling in JavaScript
* New – File size check before game uploads

= v5.8.1 – 2013-02-26 =
* Fix – Restored name of is_game function

= v5.8.0 – 2013-02-24 =
* New – Pay to Play – CubePoints
* New – Achievements for WordPress Support –
* New – 3 New Languages for Microsoft Translator (Bulgarian, Catalan, Persian)
* New – Updated Mochi Feed URL
* New – Filters to manipulate game width and height
* Fix – FreeFamesForYourWebsite (FOG) game downloads
* Fix – IBPArcade score submitting

= v5.7.0 – 2012-12-01 =
* New – Option to organize files in sub folders
* New – FreeGamesForYourWebsite Feed updated to the new structure
* New – Improved unique file name generation
* New – Don’t add post meta fields if there are no data available
* New – Publish Games directly from edit games form
* New – Add game slug to post meta
* New – Filter game dimensions in full screen mode (myarcade_fullscreen_width, myarcade_fullscreen_height)
* New – Filter game categories on post creation (myarcade_filter_category) – apply_filters( ‘myarcade_filter_categories’, $game->categories, $game );
* New – Filter game tags on post creation (myarcade_filter_tags) – apply_filters( ‘myarcade_filter_tags’, $game->tags, $game );
* New – Display custom taxonomies on game edit page if custom post type is activated
* New – WordPress 3.5 compatibility
* Fix – Language selection on Google translator
* Fix – Mochi Auto Post
* Fix – Cron publishes every time the same game when “Featured Image” is activated

= v5.6.4 – 2012-10-13 =
* New – Extended debugger class to log translation API requests
* Fix – Plugin localization / translation (use prefix on .mo files:
* Fix – Leaderboard doesn’t refresh if there is already a highscore available
* Fix – Wrong external cron URL displayed on MyArcadePlugin Dashboard
* Fix – User ID not set properly on cron publishing
* Fix – MyArcadeFeed handling

= v5.6.3 – 2012-09-08 =
* New – Placeholder %THUMB_URL% for game post template
* New – Placeholder %SWF_URL% for game post template
* New – Placeholders %WIDTH% and %HEIGHT% for game post template (Game dimensions)
* New – Image alt tag in default post template
* New – Option to disable game tags
* Fix – Save description on MyArcadePlugin Game Details (Meta Box)

= v5.6.2 – 2012-08-04 =
* Fix – Post status not set correctly

= v5.6.1 – 2012-07-24 =
* Fix – Load feed categories after plugin activation

= v5.6.0 – 2012-07-20 =
* New – BigFish Games Integration
* New – Scirra Arcade Integration
* New – MyArcadeFeed Integration
* New – Google Translate API v2 (payed service)
* New – Microsoft Translator v2 – Windows Azure Marketplace (free and payed service)
* New – Ajax Powered Game Publishing
* New – Game Filter on Publish Games Panel
* New – Scores Management Panel (edit, delete single scores)
* New – Enhanced automated game fetching
* New – Enhanced automated game publishing
* New – Support for “real” cron jobs which can be triggered externally
* New – Additional checks to avoid duplicate games
* New – Option to set a game play delay time
* New – Set Cubepoints for achieving medals
* New – Options on BuddyPress user settings to enable / disable auto posting to activity stream
* New – MyArcadePlugin Theme API included in the Plugin (for theme developers)
* New – Several actions an filters added (see online documentation)
* New – Option to restore default settings
* New – Show game description on the MyArcadePlugin Meta Box
* New – Update BuddyPress activity stream when user adds a game to favorites
* Fix – Edit of Iframe / Embed Codes from MyArcadePlugin Meta Box

= v5.5.1 – 2012-05-07 =
* Fix – Drop down doesn’t show category names

= v5.5.0 – 2012-04-29 =
* New – Support for Mochi Game Catalog 2.0 Feed URLs
* New – Custom taxonomies selection for categories and tags
* New – Update highscore date on new highscore
* New – Option to edit game tag and game type on Manage Games panel
* New – User Profile link will be added to the mochi Mochi Leaderboard when BuddyPress/Mingle is activated
* New – Mochi Leaderboard JS file will be automatically embedded on custom themes
* New – MyArcadePlugin Meta Box on WP Posts write panel.
* Fix – Game instructions doesn’t accept new line and HTML code

= v5.4.1 – 2012-03-18 =
* New – Compatibility with PHP 5.4
* New – Improved game slug generation (file names will contain only alphanumeric characters)
* Fix – Display game categories on “Fetch Games” panel.
* Fix – MyArcade link on admin bar doesn’t work

= v5.4.0 – 2012-02-14 =
* New – Game Distributor Spilgames
* New – Game Distributor FOG
* New – MyArcadeContest API
* New – BuddyPress Activity Stream update when user submits scores
* New – BuddyPress Activity Stream update when user achieves a medal
* New – Improved %TAGS% placeholder processing
* New – Filter games without a search term
* New – Option to limit search results on “Manage Games” page
* New – Display post details of published games on “Manage Games” page
* New – Two categories addeed: Arcade, Defense
* New – Display game distributors on “Manage Games” page
* New – Improved Settings documentation ( Thx to Bob – )
* Fix – Delete game files when a post gets deleted

= v5.3.2 – 2011-12-26 =
* Fix – Featured image WP 3.3 fix

= v5.3.1 – 2011-12-17 =
* Fix – Admin Bar issue with WP 3.3
* Fix – Cleaned up the manage games output

= v5.3.0 – 2011-11-27 =
* New – Option to select the post status for Mochi autopost games
* New – Option to select categories on “Manage Games”
* New – Extended Action-API for future extensions
* New – Confirmation dialog when try to delete all games / scores
* New – Performance tweaks to speed up the plugin and to reduce memory usage
* New – Option to add game thumbnails as WordPress featured images
* New – Option to edit game width and height from manage games panel
* New – Game categories will be displayed on each game box in the back-end
* New – Warning if translations are enabled but Application ID not entered
* New – Content will not be translated if Application ID is missing
* Fix – Translation Improvements
* Fix – Sanitize text areas on edit and import form
* Fix – User level permissions when allowing user to submit games
* Removed HeyZap support because HeyZap closed the distribution API

= v5.2.0 – 2011-10-29 =
* New – Automated Game Translation System with Bing Translation API
* New – Improved “Manage Games” page
* New – “Edit Post” button on “Manage Games” page for published games
* Fix – rn Error when editing a game
* Fix – Games from categories with special characters are published under “Uncategorized”
* Fix – Playtomic feed parameter updated

= v5.1.0 – 2011-10-08 =
* New – Auto update
* New – Import FlashGameDistribution Games
* New – Playtomic leaderboard selection on fetch games page
* New – Updated WP Admin Bar Menu
* Fix – String escape for Post Template (rn Error)
* Fix – Playtomic audience values

= v5.0.0 – 2011-09-15 =
* New – New infrastructure to make the plugin faster and future enchantments easier
* New – Import PHPBB Games
* New – Import Kongregate games
* New – Import Playtomic games
* New – CubePoints support (point system)
* New – Real game play counter per user
* New – User Leaderboard
* New – Force user to register after defined number of plays
* New – Two additional template variables added: %TITLE%, %TAGS% (tags without links)
* New – Option to remove all games from the database that are marked as “deleted”
* New – Improved scores handling for Mochi and IBPArcade Games
* New – Improved manual game import
* New – Option to publish games in a custom post type
* New – Score Actions for developers to integrate own functions with MyArcadePlugin
* Fix – CSS fix on fetch games site
* Fix – Category Mapping don’t work when “Use Only The First Category” is checked

= v4.2.0 – 2011-03-20 =
* New – Fetch HeyZap embed games
* New – Added MyArcade menu to the WP Admin Bar
* New – Option to edit highscore settings on Manage Games
* Fix – Leaderboard code not shown on some themes
* Fix – Some css fixes

= v4.1.0 – 2011-02-26 =
* New – Mochi Publisher ID will be added to the game code to get credits
* New – HeyZap Site_Key will be added to the game code to get credits

= v4.0.1 – 2011-01-30 =
– Fix: Mochi Auto Post saves games as draft instead to publish them
– Fix: Cron saves games as draft instead to publish them
– Fix: HeyZap – Remove ‘sitekey’ parameter from swf url
– Fix: Blank page when submit IBPArcade v2 scores
– Fix: Wrong UserID when other member import games
– Fix: Mochi Leaderboard Bridge is included on non-mochi games

= v4.0.0 – 2011-01-17 =
– New: New look & feel of the settings page. Now, the setup will be more comfortable.
– New: Mochi Bridge enhancement. Submitted medals will be saved.
– New: Ajaxed Category-Mapping – map Mochi/HeyZap categories to your own category names
– New: Save urls to gameplay videos that Mochi provides with some games. Videos are hosted on Vimeo, YouTube or WeGame.
– New: Import DCR Games
– New: Detect dimensions of SWF files automatically on import
– New: Save scores for IBPArcade v2, v3 and v32
– New: Option to save posts as draft
– New: Option to enable only highscore submitting. Only the highest score of an user per game will be saved.
– New: Session management
– New: Default values for HeyZap settings
– New: Completely rewritten HeyZap integration. Everything adopted to HeyZap API v2
– New: Download for HeyZap games and screen shots
– New: Use only the first category option to avoid game publishing in more categories.
– New: Option to create game categories as subcategories of a parent category.
– New: Grab games (SWF, DCR or IBPArcade) from other sites with URLs
– New: Ajaxed game import modules
– New: Delete blank/zero scores
– New: Delete all scores
– New: Allow Contributors, Editors and Authors to import games
– New: Tag filter for the Mochi’s feed
– Fix: Import IBPArcade v32 games
– Fix: Unable to create ‘Life & Style’ category
– Fix: ‘headers already sent’ warning

= v3.0.2 – 2010-09-29 =
* Fix – Publish Button doesn’t work on the “Manage Games” page since v3.0.1

= v3.0.1 – 2010-09-18 =
* New – Plugin renamed to MyArcadePlugin Pro
* Fix – Unable to feed Board Game Category

= v3.0.0 – 2010-07-22 =
* New – Cron feeding for HeyZap games
* New – Check if HeyZap max. width is set. If not, the width will be set to 800px while feeding games
* New – Delete game scores when deleting a game
* New – New Import Method: Embed Codes
* New – New Import Method: Iframe Codes
* New – Pagination on manage games. Ability to browse the entire game catalog
* Fix – WP 3.0 warning when activate the plugin
* Fix – WP 3.0 no duplicate categories when save settings
* Fix – WP 3.0 no warnings when a category is already present
* Fix – When use custom import method, category selection doesn’t work
* Fix – Wrong categories after publishing of edited games from game manager
* Fix – When use IBPArcade import method, category selection doesn’t work
* Fix – MySQL query fix to speed up “Add games to blog” (Thx Irwanto)

= v2.6.0 – 2010-05-01 =
* New – Ability to edit games before publishing
* New – Support for HeyZap games
* New – Offset feeding for HeyZap games

= v2.5.0 – 2010-04-12 =
* New – Option to embed flash code automatically
* New – Template to style the posts created by MyArcadeBlog Pro

= v2.4.0 – 2010-03-28 =
* New – Offset feeding
* New – Alternative file_put_contents function
* New – Memory limit check before trying to change the value
* New – Safe Mode check before setting up the environment to avoid error messages
* Fix – Renamed post meta’s to avoid conflicts with other plugins (All In One Seo)
* Tweak – Increased memory limit to 256M

= v2.3.0 – 2010-01-11 =
* New – Gettext support to make translations easy
* New – Option to publish games in a single category
* Fix – get_game doesn’t work for unpublished games

= v2.2.0 – 2009-12-21 =
* New – Mochimeda Leaderboard Support
* Fix – Error message when choosing a special category
* Fix – MySQL Table update error

= v2.1.0 – 2009-12-13 =
* New – WP-Cron to feed games automatically
* Fix – Some css style errors

= v2.0.0 – 2009-12-01 =
* New – Delete game files when deleting a game post
* New – Import function for IBP-Arcade games
* New – Game management system (delete, publish, destroy)
* New – Autopost from Mochimedia website
* New – Screenshot feed and upload
* New – Feed special categories (Premium, Featured, …)

= v1.8.0 – 2009-09-22 =
* New – Categories: Education, Rhythm, Strategy
* New – Check for duplicate games
* New – Custom field for content rating (“rating”)
* Tweak – Removed category: Highscore

= v1.7.1 – 2009-08-09 =
* Fix – Board Games and Dress-Up problem

= v1.7.0 – 2009-07-26 =
* New – Option to reset feeded games
* New – Import function for custom/individual games

= v1.6.0 – 2009-07-15 =
* New – Option to set max. allowed game width
* Fix – Bug fixing

= v1.5.0 – 2009-07-01 =
* New – Game thumbnails will be shown when adding games to blog
* New – Check, if Feed has been downloaded successfully
* New – SWF file names will be decoded before storing (%20-problem)
* New – White spaces will be automatically removed from MochiadsURL and MochiadsID

= v1.4.0 – 2009-06-20 =
* New – Routines to check PHP Version and PHP Settings (JSON Support)

= v1.3.0 – 2009-06-17 =
* Fix

= v1.2.0 – 2009-06-16 =
* Fix – Error messages

= v1.1.0 – 2009-06-15 =
* New – Download method for feed, games and thumbs

= v1.0.0 – 2009-06-14 =
* Initial Version

MyArcadeTheme Changelog

= v6.2.5 – 2024-05-09 =
* Fix – Fixed deprecated JavaScript code and libs
* Fix – BuddyPress compatibility
* Fix – Info-Widget title
* Fix – Some smaller PHP issues
* Tweak – CSS optimization

= v6.2.4 – 2021-08-12 =
* Fix – Games not resized correctly

= v6.2.3 – 2021-08-01 =
* Tweak – Optimized game resizing
* Fix – Error message on widgets page with WordPress 5.8
* Fix – PHP notices in new Widgets Block editor

= v6.2.2 – 2021-03-04 =
* Tweak – Handle games with percentage width and height
* Fix – bxSlider links not clickable (Part 2)
* Fix – Handle games without dimensions
* Fix – Admin bar CSS issue

= v6.2.1 – 2021-02-04 =
* New: Option to enable/disable the admin bar
* Tweak: Updated screenfull.js to v5.1.0
* Fix: Fullscreen not working properly
* Fix: Game dimensions division by zero
* Fix: bxSlider links not clickable

= v6.2.0 – 2020-10-19 =
* New – PageSpeed Insights optimization
* New – Option to disable meta data on pre-game and play game pages
* Tweak – Updated to new Redux functions
* Tweak – bxSlider updated
* Tweak – Removed default footer placeholder widgets
* Tweak – Removed Links/Problem Reporter plugin recommendation because is has been abandoned
* Tweak – Removed Adsense for Games (Flash version)
* Fix – Automatic game resize not working properly for landscape games
* Fix – Add/Remove favorites not working

= v6.1.0 – 2020-09-06 =
* New – Automatic game resize to max available width
* Tweak – Removed outdated Yoast SEO compatibility code
* Fix – Page scrolls on clicking share button
* Fix – Share buttons overlaid by the game
* Fix – – Display ratings snippet only if ratings are available
* Fix – Game thumbnail not aligned with background on dark and halloween themes
* Fix – Sidebar position (left) not displayed correctly on all pages
* Fix – Removed Google+ code from single blog page

= v6.0.2 – 2020-05-17 =
* Tweak – CSS optimization to get 100% SEO score at Google PageSpeed Insights (Lighthouse)
* Tweak – Horizontal header – Moved user links at the top of the mobile menu
* Fix – Fixed name of a suggested plugin
* Fix – – RatingCount will only be displayed if there are ratings available (Fixes issues with Google Search Console)
* Fix – – WorstRating changed to 0 (Fixes issues with Google Search Console)
* Fix – Don’t display a fallback menu if no top navigation menu is defined
* Fix – Form label missing for promoted games sort selection

= v6.0.1 – 2020-04-14 =
* New – Option to enable Login / Register links on the horizontal header
* Fix – Game not centered with disabled sidebars
* Fix – Turn lights off button not working properly
* Fix – Game description and banner alignment on the pre-game page

= v6.0.0 – 2020-04-01 =
* New – Option to switch between two different headers (magazine style or single line header)
* New – Layout builder for play-games page. (Appearance -> Theme Options -> Games Page )
* New – Option to display related games on the slider belt on the single games page
* New – Layout builder for the play game container. Widget sidebars added next to the game
* New – Games widget to show random or related games
* New – Option to change the game buttons location (above or below the game)
* Tweak – Display only one category as thumbnail hover instead of multiple categories
* Tweak – Updated language file and renamed translations
* Tweak – Display images on game descriptions on game play page
* Fix – Query mobile games on mobile devices
* Fix – Game resize on small devices not working properly
* Fix – Exclude blog posts for the slider and promoted games box

= v5.6.1 – 2019-10-14 =
* Fix – Comments displayed on pages if comments are disabled

= v5.6.0 – 2019-10-08 =
* New – Set IOS Status Bar style in styling options. Refer to ->
* New – screenfull.js updated to version v5.0.0
* Tweak – Empty Sidebar warning will only show if you’re logged in as administrator
* Tweak – Moved general.js into footer for improved render performance and load times.
* Tweak – Removed Google Plus follow button as the service has shut down.
* Tweak – Removed Google Plus share button as the service has shut down.
* Tweak – Moved Yoast SEO compatibility code to own file and includes additional checks to verify plugin is active.
* Tweak – Removed old BuddyPress template files
* Fix – Adsense auto responsive units will now fit their container automatically
* Fix – BuddyPress Profile notifications tab now working correctly.
* Fix – Replace login_headertitle with login_headertext (since WordPress 5.2)

= v5.5.0 – 2019-03-21 =
* New – screenfull.js updated to version v4.1.0 (Fixes fullscreen issues)
* New – New lightbox gallery script integrated directly into theme (no more plugins required!)
* Tweak – Header code option now includes a simple code editor (to help resolve errors)
* Tweak – Footer code option now includes a simple code editor (to help resolve errors)
* Tweak – Moved Play Game Page Settings to Subsection to cleanup UI
* Tweak – Old lightbox recommendation removed from suggested plugins
* Tweak – Replaced http links by https in default settings
* Fix – Front page sorting not working properly after page reload
* Fix – Dark style – Color adjustments for game sorting drop downs
* Fix – PHP notice when using Yoast SEO Opengraph

= v5.4.0 – 2018-10-10 =
* New – Halloween Skin under theme options >> styling >> theme stylesheet
* New – Blog Category option moved to blog settings
* New – CSS 3 Compliance According to W3C Validator
* New – Option to enable or disable featured image on blog posts
* New – Option to enable or disable authorbox on blog posts
* New – Option to enable or disable breadcrumbs on blog posts
* New – Option to enable or disable comments section on blog posts
* New – Option to enable or disable breadcrumbs on blog category or archive pages
* New – Option to enable or disable category description (for only blog category)
* New – Show Blog Category description on blog page template
* New – Option to enable or disable expandable category description for blog category only
* New – Panel to customize blog posts
* New – Panel to customize blog archives & category
* New – Ability to select “posts” as blog posts without needing to use category set in theme options
* Fix – Minor validation errors
* Fix – Redirect to last viewed page after login
* Fix – Blog Archive page PHP error
* Fix – Latest games widget showing blog posts
* Fix – Top Bar icon color was changing on game & post pages

= v5.3.0 – 2018-04-24 =
* New – Option to chose between two Fullscreen options (old sytle with reloading or JS based without reloading)
* New – Option to enable / disable back to top button
* New – Newly built author box for blog posts (no more needing to use another plugin)!
* New – Social Media Buttons for author box, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and much more!
* New – Support for shortcodes in text widget
* New – Members can “create a group” from their buddypress profile if this functionality is enabled.
* New – Option to set the default order for promoted games box
* Tweak – Change top bar icon for BuddyPress Pages
* Tweak – Minor style improvements for BuddyPress Pages
* Fix – Predefined sort option on category pages doesn’t work properly
* Fix – Sort option “Most Played” doesn’t work correctly
* Fix – Disable Smooth Scrolling option
* Fix – Spelling Mistakes
* Fix – Tag pages show wrong games on mobile
* Fix – Promoted games not ordered correctly

= v5.2.0 – 2017-12-17 =
* New – WordPress 4.9 ready
* New – Real Fullscreen mode without reloading
* New – Breadcrumbs on category pages option
* New – Toolbar color for Microsoft Mobile Devices
* New – Smooth scrolling option for desktop
* New – Menu to modify tag pages exactly like categories
* New – Set the number of games that load on Tag Archive Pages
* New – Option to show the tag description
* New – Option to show an expandable box for tag description (for extra long descriptions)
* New – Option to show breadcrumbs on Tag Archive Pages
* New – Set the layout for Tag Archives
* New – Set the order of games in the tag archives
* New – Filters to change the order, and style of tag archive pages (like categories)
* New – Panel to customize your search results page
* New – Set the number of games the load per page on search result pages
* New – Enable / Disable BreadCrumbs on Search Result Pages
* New – Set the layout for Search Result Pages
* New – Option to specify the number of tags on the tag cloud widget
* New – Option to specify the number of categories on the tag cloud widget
* New – Support for WordPress image galleries
* Tweak – Don’t load sticky sidebar JS on mobile
* Tweak – Changed meta viewport tag to reflect google recommendation
* Fix – Sort option on tags & categories does nothingfun

= v5.1.0 – 2017-06-09 =
* New – WordPress 4.8 ready
* New – Toolbar color for mobile devices
* New – Login Modal now supports login by email
* New – Added preconnect header for Google Fonts to improve load time
* Tweak – Clean up localization text domains
* Tweak – Improved fullscreen game displaying
* Tweak – Redirect to home on logout
* Fix – Sort and Show buttons on category pages not working on mobile
* Fix – Redirect to current page on login
* Fix – Home slider doesn’t show mobile games if enabled
* Fix – Menu with submenu’s always open on mobile

= v5.0.0 – 2017-02-09 =
* New – Option to show an advertisement above the game
* New – Option to show an advertisement below the game
* New – Option to add adsense compliant margins to above game banner
* New – Option to add adsense compliant margins to below game banner
* New – Option enable/disable Sticky Sidebar
* New – Option to enable/disable veedi on pre-game page
* New – Option to enable/disable MyScorePresenter Widget on Pre-Game Page
* New – Option to enable/disable Top Bar on mobile devices
* New – Blog Category Header
* New – Blog Category Description
* New – Font Awesome updated to 4.7
* New – Social Network Telegram
* New – Social Network SnapChat
* New – Social Network Quora
* New – Social Network Soundcloud
* New – Social Network Delicious
* New – Social Network Linkedin
* New – Social Network Odnoklassniki
* New – Social Network VK
* New – Social Network Medium
* New – Social Network RenRen
* New – Social Network Stumbleupon
* New – Social Network Steam
* New – Social Network Twitch
* Tweak – Improved appearance of Buttons on BuddyPress profile page
* Tweak – Improved logic for modal login (now redirects to current page as opposed to homepage)
* Fix – Remove’s padding below copyright footer.
* Fix – Buttons are now readable on BuddyPress Profile Pages

= v4.3.0 – 2016-11-19 =
* New – Flag added to report spam button on BuddyPress pages
* New – Passes W3C Validator
* New – Option to hide My Game List Creator On Mobile Devices
* New – Option to hide Header Game Carousel On Mobile Devices
* New – Option To hide Header News On Mobile Devices
* New – Option To hide Front Page Slider On Mobile Devices
* New – Show MyScorePresenter widgets on game-landing page.
* New – Yoast SEO will show proper OpenGrap Image data (defaults to screenshot then to game thumbnail)
* New – BuddyPress Social Compatability
* New – Markup For TopBar/Main Menu
* Tweak – Slight performance improvement for carousel
* Tweak – Lazy Load now applies to bxslider images for improved performance
* Fix – No more 404 errors on game pages when using screenshots
* Fix – Logo should display on wp-login.php page again
* Fix – Fixes schema markup error if game descriptions were longer than 500 characters
* Fix – Fixes duplicate rating value bug in schema
* Fix – Fixes jetpack subscription alignment buttons
* Fix – Image background placeholder not displayed properly
* Fix – Modal Window text on dark theme unreadable
* Fix – Registration confirmation text
* Fix – JSON LD now only shows on posts (fixes markup warnings)
* Fix – BuddyPress error on /group/ page

= v4.2.0 – 2016-09-01 =
* New – Home Widget – Game Carousel
* New – Veedi integration
* New – Option to hide favorite games on the user panel widget
* New – Background colors on BuddyPress tabs
* New – Select thumbnail size on widgets (random games, most played and most rated)
* New – Moved mobile settings to own tab
* New – Hide footer widgets on mobile devices to improve load time / appearance (Enable on theme options)
* Fix – Banner size on friv layouts
* Tweak – Hide custom menu items on small screens
* Tweak – Removed blue background while images are loading

= v4.1.0 – 2016-08-11 =
* New – Reddit Added As Social Networking Site
* New – JSON LD Markup For Blog Posts (
* New – Font Awesome updated to 4.6.3
* New – Expandable category description box (enable on theme options)
* Fix – Alignment of Blog Post share buttons
* Fix – Error where if BuddyPress wasn’t installed you would get an error
* Fix – PHP Notice: bp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly

= v4.0.0 – 2016-08-06 =
* New – WordPress 4.6 ready
* New – Option to set preferred view mode on category pages
* New – Added support for Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha on modal login/register.
* New – Updated TGM Plugin Activation to 2.6.1.
* New – BuddyPress Pages now show appropriate titles when using Yoast SEO.
* New – Adds new and improved Forums Index.
* New – Hide Sidebar on mobile devices to improve load time / appearance (Enable on theme options).
* New – JSON LD Markup For Games (
* New – Option to disable lazyload image animation
* New – Theme Check Compliance
* Fix – Remove extra css on /fullscreen/ pages.
* Fix – Fixed share buttons on blog posts.
* Fix – All Excess Markup Removed.
* Fix – Small Issue when using score games (script would output twice one as plain text).
* Fix – Parent menu item not clickable
* Tweak – Moved category settings to a own tab

= v3.3.0 – 2016-04-17 =
* New – WordPress 4.5 compatibility
* New – Full RTL support
* New – Widget to display latest blog posts
* New – New markup
* Tweak – Recommended Plugins: Replaced Lightbox Plugin with WP Lightbox 2
* Fix – Fixes
* Fix – Don’t display blog posts on game widgets

= v3.2.0 – 2016-03-04 =
* New – Disable Adsense for games on mobile devices
* Tweak – Improved WooCommerce support
* Fix – Corrected custom css path for child themes
* Fix – Display only mobile games on related games box if mobile feature is enabled

= v3.1.0 – 2016-01-31 =
* New – Adsense for games parameter – maximum video length
* New – Adsense for games parameter – language code
* New – Option to replace login form with a button on user panel widget
* New – CSS adjustments for ‘Advanced noCaptcha reCaptcha’ plugin
* New – Tumblr Support for follow buttons.
* New – Replaced dark image placeholder with a loading animation if lazy load is enabled
* New – Improved bbPress Post Interface
* Fix – Minor display issue on certain browsers for users BuddyPress Profile Pages

= v3.0.0 – 2015-12-24 =
* New – Front page builder (Appearance -> Widgets -> Front Page Builder)
* New – Full width page template
* New – Customizable top bar menu
* New – Tag parameters for Adsense for games (AFG) integration
* New – Option to disable footer widgets
* New – Option to redirect Register / Login buttons to default WordPress pages to be able to use e.g. captcha plugins
* New – Display game instructions on game page if pre-game page is disabled
* New – Display MyGameListCreator list on every front page design
* Tweak – Use comment_form() function on comments.php
* Tweak – Database query optimization
* Fix – Adsense for Games
* Fix – Previewing of draft games not working with enabled pre-game page

= v2.0.0 – 2015-11-07 =
* New – Automatic theme updates
* New – Added a new view for category pages “Half”
* New – Display category description on category pages (Enable on settings page)
* New – Add login_form and register_form actions to modal boxes
* New – Option to upload a custom login logo
* New – Login logo – Replaced WordPress URL with site URL
* New – Login logo – Replaced ‘Powered by WordPress’ logo link name with site name
* New – Option to edit footer copyright text
* Tweak – Removed Redux Framework from theme source. Redux Framework plugin required now!
* Fix – BuddyPress integration caused a php warning

= v1.4.0 – 2015-09-21 =
* New – WordPress 4.3 compatibility
* New – Updated TGM Plugin Activation to 2.5.2
* New – Additional Schema Markup
* Fix – Solved Dark Theme CSS Bug on BuddyPress
* Fix – Made Fullscreen page responsive (now it should look proper on mobile)
* Fix – Several W3C Validation Issues

= v1.3.0 – 2015-07-27 =
* New – Advertisement spot on play game page (Game Content Banner)
* New – Updated Redux Framework to 3.5.5
* New – Updated TGM Plugin Activation to 2.5.0
* Fix – Lights on/off
* Fix – Banner size on Friv-Style view
* Fix – Custom CSS not compiled
* Fix – WP Favorite Posts loading image location

= v1.2.0 – 2015-07-07 =
* New – jQuery based game resizing
* New – Friv-Style view with sidebar
* Tweak – Added wp_reset_query to custom queries
* Fix – News ticker category selection
* Fix – Custom CSS Compiler
* Fix – Removed hard-coded register/login URLs

v1.1.0 – 2015-05-25
* New – MyArcadeControls integration
* New – Admin links (Delete / Edit) on single view pages
* New – Options to enable/disable features separately for pre-game and game pages
* New – Option to enable/disable related games
* New – Translation file generated
* Fix – MyArcadeContest integration
* Fix – Corrected loading of the 404 page template
* Fix – Responsive progressbar

v1.0.1 – 2015-05-07
* Fix – Child theme compatibility

v1.0.0 – 2015-05-06
* Inial release

FunGames Changelog

v5.8.0 – 2020-10-27
* New – Automatic game resize to max available width/height
* New – Option to edit the footer copyright from the options panel
* Tweak – Escape all translatable strings
* Tweak – Updated BXSlider
* Tweak – Replaced Lazyload library
* Tweak – JS code improvements
* Fix – Can’t add HTML/JS code at options panel fields
* Fix – Use of deprecated functions
* Fix – Removed unused code
* Fix – Don’t prefix third-party assets
* Fix – Removed inline styles and scripts

v5.7.1 – 2019-07-12
* Fix: Issue with displaying blog posts

v5.7.0 – 2019-04-01
* New – TGMPA added, includes recommended & required plugins
* New – WooCommerce Support
* New – JSON LD Markup For Articles
* New – JSON LD Markup for Games
* New – Improved performance by removal of @import rule.
* Tweak – Fixed a number of theme check issues & moved code out of functions.php

v5.6.0 – 2016-09-07
* New – WordPress 4.6 Compatibility
* New – Show proper title on BuddyPress pages when using Yoast SEO
* New – Fullscreen pages are now responsive
* New – Visual Editor for bbPress
* New – Better bbPress forums-index
* New – Theme Check Compliance
* Tweak – Comment form now fills the entire space and is responsive
* Tweak – Sorry MySpace!
* Tweak – Removed obsolete CubePoints files
* Tweak – Use get_template_directory() on includes to improve child theme compatibility
* Fix – Shows submit button on /activity/ page now when attempting to post
* Fix – Removed all useless schema
* Fix – Removes icon on bbPress notice
* Fix – Fixes search alignment on /members/ page
* Fix – BuddyPress user activity now displays properly on mobile
* Fix – Fixes user-login menu on mobile and tablet devices. (text was white on grey and unreadable)

v5.5.0 – 2016-04-26
* New – WordPress 4.5 compatibility
* New – PHP 7 compatibility
* Tweak – Recommended Plugins: Replaced Lightbox Plugin with WP Lightbox 2

v5.4.2 – 2015-09-05
* New – WordPress 4.3 compatibility

v5.4.1 – 2015-06-30
* New – Option to disable related/random games

v5.4.0 – 2015-04-19
* New – Replaced NivoSlider with BXSlider
* New – Lazy Load (Enable on settings page)
* New – Updated MyArcade API to v3.1.0
* New – Responsive progress loading bar
* Tweak – Removed Timthumb script
* Tweak – Removed Mingle support
* Fix – User Panel widget

v5.3.1 – 2015-04-13
* New – NivoSlider updated to v3.2
* Fix – No games displayed if mobile games on mobile devices is enabled
* Fix – Logo not resized correctly
* Fix – Embed games not centered correctly

v5.3.0 – 2015-04-09
* New – Display only mobile games on mobile devices (Enable on settings page)
* New – Restyled search widget
* Tweak – Changed game headings on archive pages from h4 to h2
* Tweak – Changed search page heading from h2 to h1
* Fix – CSS fixes

v5.2.0 – 2015-03-30
* New – Theme requires WordPress 4.1 or higher
* New – H1 heading on single game page
* New – Show category description on archive pages (Enable on settings page)
* New – Show tag description on tag pages (Enable on settings page)
* New – Added additional markup
* New – Centered footer widget area
* Tweak – Removed hard-coded <title> tag in the document head
* Tweak – Removed meta description / keywords. This should be managed by a SEO Plugin
* Tweak – Removed footer menu. Can be added with custom menu widget
* Tweak – Moved custom header code and favicon code to wp_head hook
* Tweak – Moved custom footer code to wp_footer hook
* Tweak – Removed Google jQuery CDN (Use a Plugin if you need this feature)
* Fix – Removed hard-coded register/login URLs
* Fix – Images on the belt slider not resized properly

v5.1.0 – 2015-03-27
* New – markup
* New – Back to top button
* New – Optimized CSS
* Fix – Nested menu items are not displayed
* Fix – Games not displayed properly
* Fix – Breadcrumb not displayed

v5.0.0 – 2015-03-21
* New – Responsive design
* New – Updated MyArcade API to v3.0.0
* New – All images have been compressed to improve load time
* New – Fix redirect on YouTube widget to improve load time
* New – Breadcrumb NavXT added as recommended plugin
* New – Updated Shareholic integration
* New – Removed search form from header
* New – Updated translation files

v4.8.1 – 2014-04-15
* Fix – Category selection on Random Games Widget (Game Scroller Widget)
* Fix – Fullscreen link
* Fix – Removed Mochi leaderboard bridge

v4.8.0 – 2014-01-16
* New – Display game video on pre-game page
* New – BuddyPress 1.9.x compatibility
* New – Open Graph Meta Tag with game thumbnail
* New – Some CSS tweaks
* Fix – All strings are translatable
* Fix – Hide blog posts on game sortable box

v4.7.1 – 2013-02-24
* New – Compatibility with Pay-To-Play (MyArcadePlugin v5.8.0 and above)

v4.7.0 – 2012-10-03
* New – Game landing page (Pre-Game Page)
* New – Sortable Game Box (AJAX)
* New – Hall Of Fame – Best Player Box
* New – Contest front page box
* New – Contest Notifications on game play page
* New – Google Rich Snippets (WP-PostRatings Plugin required)
* New – Login form on all pages
* New – Login form can be deactivated from the theme options page
* New – Optimized options panel
* New – Option to deactivate Lights Switch
* New – Option to deactivate Fulls Screen feature
* New – Option to deactivate Favorite Button
* New – Option to have both sliders active at the same time
* New – Additional full width games box with filter option
* New – A lot of do_actions to make creation of child themes even easier
* New – Multi-Row Menu
* New – Ajaxed favorite button
* New – WordPress 3.5 compatibility
* New – Timthumb updated to 2.8.10
* Fix – Turn Lights Off / On optimized
* Fix – Heading on tag pages
* Fix – Login form color moved to CSS file
* Fix – Updated Ultimate Facebook integration

v4.6.2 – 2012-04-25
* Fix – Comment reply link color

v4.6.1 – 2012-03-15
* New – Template files for CubePoints Buddypress Integration Plugin
* Fix – Buddypress sign up page template

v4.6.0 – 2012-03-10
* New – BuddyPress template enhancements
* New – Custom header code on the full screen page
* New – YARPP Support for related games
* New – Selectable game categories on Game Scroller Widget
* New – Multiple category selection for sliders
* New – Added compressed css files ( file size reduced by 31% )
* New – Added uncompressed css files for theme developers (css_dev folder)
* Fix – Custom header code can’t be deactivated
* Fix – Custom footer code can’t be deactivated

v4.5.0 – 2012-02-14
* New – Added do_action calls on 404, index and archive pages for custom hooks
* New – Support for “WP SEO Content Manager” plugin
* New – Index Page Presentation: Miniclip Style
* New – Index Page Presentation: Full width with game descriptions
* New – Index Page Presentation: Half width with game descriptions
* New – MyArcadeContest archives template
* New – Full width page template
* New – Updated Buddypress template files
* New – Updated jQuery CDN Version to 1.7.1
* New – Improved function to retrieve post excerpt
* New – Language files: Bulagarian, Chinese, Dansk, Dutch, German, Greek, Esperanto, French, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
* New – Timthumb update to 2.8.7
* Fix – searchform.php notice for using wp_specialchars instead of esc_html

v4.4.0 – 2012-01-12
* New – Display game screen shots on single game pages with Lightbox Plus support
* New – Featured image for blog posts
* New – Activate 150px space between game and Adsense to match AdSense TOS
* New – Exclude blog posts from related games list
* Fix – Excerpt not generated automatically
* Fix – Favicon fix
* Fix – Game description not displayed on 404 pages
* Fix – Theme Options permissions changed to manage_options
* Fix – Can’t play some games when no blog category is assigned

v4.3.0 – 2011-12-17
* New – Advertisement area for the index page in game category boxes like on
* New – Subcategory support for the Blog
* New – Support for Ultimate Facebook Plugin v1.6
* New – Template updated to the latest BuddyPress version
* Fix – Style sheets included in WordPress Backend (WP 3.3)
* Fix – Mingle forms now fit the design

v4.2.0 – 2011-11-27
* New – Use post excerpt instead of game description custom field
* New – Option to add a custom text on the front page for SEO purpose or site description
* New – Improved Fullscreen – now IBPArcade scores will be stored, too.
* New – Option to activate jQuery loading from Google CDN to increase page speed

v4.1.0 – 2011-10-29
* Fix – NivoSlider doesn’t work on some sites
* Fix – Single Blog Template
* Fix – Hide categories that contain special characters

v4.0.0 – 2011-08-02
* New – Flexible Sidebar position: left, right
* New – Fully widgetized sidebar
* New – Widget areas for: Home, Single, Category, Page
* New – Widget: Most Played Games
* New – Widget: Most Rated Games
* New – Widget: 125x125px Advertisements
* New – Widget: Embed Youtube Videos
* New – Widget: User Panel
* New – Widget: Global Mochi Scores
* New – Move Featured Games Slider to a Widget
* New – Option to enable auto scroll for the top slider
* New – WP Menu support for main navigation (with sub menus)
* New – WP Menu support for footer navigation
* New – Game pre-loader with advertisements
* New – Hide Category boxes on the front page without IDs
* New – Template for blog posts
* New – Favorite Post Plugin support
* New – Ultimate Facebook Plugin support
* New – WP-FB-AutoConnect support
* New – Sexy bookmarks Plugin support
* New – Fullscreen feature
* New – Turn lights off feature
* New – Nivo Slider
* New – Option to select how the games should be ordered on the front page (desc, random)

v3.2.1 – 2011-03-29
* Fix – Close div error in loginform.php

v3.2.0 – 2011-03-05
* New – Option to disable the displaying of default meta keywords and description
* Fix – Footer Code not working (e.g. Analytics Code)

v3.1.0 – 2011-02-26
* Fix – Remove categories from the top navigation doesn’t work
* Fix – Featured Games slider doesn’t work with WordPress 3.1
* Fix – Text is not visible on pages at red, blue and pink color schemes

v3.0.0 – 2010-12-18
* New – New look & feel for the theme settings
* New – 4 color variations that can be selected from the backend (Default, Red, Blue, Pink)
* New – Add custom header from the backend without touching the code
* New – Change the body background from the backend without touching the code
* New – Add a body background image from the backend without touching the code
* New – Based on the MyArcadeBlogThemes Theme API
* New – Option to exclude categories from the top menu
* New – Option to exclude category boxes from the front page
* New – Option to exclude pages from the footer menu
* New – Option to change the number of games in the featured slider
* New – Option to change the number of games per game box on the front page
* New – Option to change the alignment of the category boxes (vertical / horizontal)
* New – 4 widgets in the footer section added
* New – Replace the logo without touching the code
* New – Add meta keywords from the theme options
* New – Add meta description from the theme options
* New – Option to add custom header codes e.g. for Mochi verification
* New – Option to add custom footer codes e.g. Google Analytics Code
* New – Option to add your MyArcadePlugin affiliate link without touching the code

v2.0.0 – 2010-06-06
* New – Buddypress templates
* Fix – Removed HTML tags from description on index page

v1.2.1 – 2010-05-01
* Edit: Moved the leaderboard code to the top
* Fix – Error on including the leaderboard code
* Fix – Sidebar alignment when comments are closed for unregistered users

v1.2.0 – 2010-03-15
* New – New Sidebar (Top Sidebar)
* Fix – Sidebar 3 don’t work
* Fix – Slider won’t work when changing category slugs
* Fix – Missing translations