
If you purchase MyArcadePlugin Pro, you will get MyScoresPresenter for FREE!

With this great Plugin you can show player and game scores on your site. How the scores should be displayed can easily be configured on the settings page.

With MyScoresPresenter you can display:

  • Most Active Players
  • Latest Scores
  • Todays Scores
  • Best Players Of A Single Game
  • Highscore Leaderboards
  • Daily Leaderboards
  • Weekly Leaderboards
  • Monthly Leaderboards
  • Total Leaderboards
  • Total Play Time Duration

This updated version has 9 Widgets included. Now it is much easier to transform standard blog themes into WordPress Arcade sites.

MyScoresPresenter will perfectly work with MyArcadePlugin Pro and the FunGames Theme. In this new version of MyAcadePlugin Pro the FunGames theme have been modified to show your players scores. You don’t have to code anything!

See it in action:

Showing the latest scores. The number of displayed scores can easily be adjusted.

To attract more players, you can show the most active players on your gaming site.

When a user clicks on a game to play it, you can present the best players of a single game. With this feature you will get more game plays and more users! Just try it. All player scores will be saved in your database.

You need more features? Join our support forum and make a request.