New Bonus Stuff – 3 Themes Added

New Bonus Stuff – 3 Themes Added

We have added 3 new themes to the bonus area. Two are nice looking flash game templates and one looks like a youtube clone. We have made the themes compatible with MyArcadePlugin so that you can use them without touching the code. All premium users can download the...
MyArcadePlugin Pro v4.10 Released

MyArcadePlugin Pro v4.10 Released

Right now we have released a new version of MyArcadePlugin Pro (WordPress Arcade Plugin) and the FunGames theme that should solve some problems with WordPress 3.1. Changelog – MyArcadePlugin v4.10 New: Mochi Publisher ID will be added to the game code to get...
MyArcade Banner and Traffic Exchange

MyArcade Banner and Traffic Exchange

We have started a new banner / traffic exchange network for you! On register, you will receive 10.000 free banner impressions. That is a great value to start your new arcade site or to boost traffic of an existing arcade site. Our Arcade Banner Exchange will work with...
MyArcadePlugin Pro v4.10 Released

MyArcadePlugin Pro v4.01 Released

I have just released a new version that should resolve issues from v4.00. This is a pure FIX-Release. That means that there are no new features, just bug fixes. Changelog Fix: Mochi Auto Post saves games as draft instead to publish them Fix: Cron saves games as draft...