by myarcadeplugin | Aug 7, 2012 | Free Themes, WP Arcade Themes
BuddyPress is the best social networking plugin for WordPress. It has all the features you need to start your own arcade site with amazing social networking features like activity streams, user groups, friends connections, discussion forums, private messaging and a... by myarcadeplugin | Jul 29, 2012 | WordPress Arcade
With our latest MyArcadePlugin version you can use real cron jobs to trigger game fetching and game publishing. A real cron job can help you to publish game on an exact time. Usually WordPress Cron can do this too but if you have a new site with only a few visitors... by myarcadeplugin | Jul 21, 2012 | News
After couple weeks of beta testing on our forum we have released the new MyArcadePlugin version with amazing new features. On this release we have added 20 new features and fixed one issue. With this version you will be able to fetch games from 9 game distributors and... by myarcadeplugin | Jul 19, 2012 | News
It’s time to say thank you to MyArcadePlugin affiliate partner. We’ve just sent you affiliate payments for the last month. In June we have got 27 new affiliate partner! We have 662 affiliates now! Thank you for promoting our WordPress Arcade Plugin! Do you want... by myarcadeplugin | Jul 14, 2012 | Premium Themes, WP Arcade Themes
A new WordPress Arcade Theme has been released on today. It combines nice and pleasant colors with handsome and pretty icons. Every image is especially designed and will enhance your gaming site. The unique composition is the perfect structure to realize a...