Enhance Your Blog

You have a WordPress Blog and you want to make your site even more attractive to your visitors? Why don’t you offer some online games to keep visitors on your site? Our MyArcadePlugin – Theme Integration Plugin will automatically integrate MyArcadePlugin with your existing site. You can download the Theme Integration Plugin!

MyArcadePlugin – Theme Integration Features

  • Works with every WordPress Theme
  • Integrates MyArcadePlugin with your existing site
  • Pretty permalinks like “yoursite.com/game/gamename
  • Custom post type “Game”
  • Fullscreen feature
  • Game pagination
  • Game tabs: Description, Instructions, Scores
  • Game score presentation
  • Games per page option
  • Games per row option
  • Heading settings to fit theme design
  • Easy to customize

MyArcadePlugin – Theme Integration Plugin will create a new custom post type (Game) where all games will be published. Thereby, regular WordPress posts will not be mixed with game posts. This will keep your site clean.