Have a look through our documentation and the community forum. If you still can’t find the answer to your question you are welcome to contact our support where we will assist you with any product issue.
Here you will find a very details user manual that will guide you how to install and use MyArcadePlugin.
Support hours
General support is provided from Monday to Friday, support hours are from 15:00 – 22:00 (GMT+1). Usually a response is given within 24 hours during the support hours, sometimes it may take a bit longer, but please be patient as we will definitely get back to you.
Plugin install failed
If you are trying to install a downloaded package, you will get an error message like this:
[code]Unpacking the package…
Installing the plugin…
The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
Plugin install failed.[/code]
[message style=”success”]You must unzip the downloaded file first as it contains the plugins to install, theme, and installation instructions.[/message]