by myarcadeplugin | Sep 16, 2011 | News
We are proud to present you a new MyArcadePlugin Pro version. We have upgraded our WordPress Arcade to v5.00 and many new features have been added. In addition, MyScoresPresenter, MyGameListCreator and the FunGames theme were also updated. Let us look at the changes...
by myarcadeplugin | Mar 5, 2011 | News
Right now we have released a new version of MyArcadePlugin Pro (WordPress Arcade Plugin) and the FunGames theme that should solve some problems with WordPress 3.1. Changelog – MyArcadePlugin v4.10 New: Mochi Publisher ID will be added to the game code to get...
by myarcadeplugin | Jan 8, 2011 | News
After many long nights, we have finished the new version of MyArcadePlugin Pro. We have added 21 new features to the plugin and 19 enhancements to the FunGames Theme. MyArcadePlugin Pro MyArcadePlugin Pro got a new look and feel for the backend. Now, the setup will be...